Source code for qcportal.models.gridoptimization

A model for GridOptimization
import copy
import json
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union

from pydantic import Field, constr, validator

from .common_models import Molecule, ObjectId, OptimizationSpecification, ProtoModel, QCSpecification
from .model_utils import recursive_normalizer
from .records import RecordBase

__all__ = ["GOKeywords", "GridOptimizationInput", "GridOptimizationRecord", "ScanDimension"]

class ScanTypeEnum(str, Enum):
    The type of scan to perform. This choices is limited to the scan types allowed by the scan dimensions.

    distance = "distance"
    angle = "angle"
    dihedral = "dihedral"

class StepTypeEnum(str, Enum):
    The types of steps to take in a scan dimension: either in absolute or relative terms. ``relative`` indicates that
    the values are relative to the starting value (e.g., a bond starts as 2.1 Bohr, relative steps of [-0.1, 0, 1.0]
    indicate grid points of [2.0, 2.1, 3.1] Bohr. An ``absolute`` ``step_type`` will be exactly those values instead."

    absolute = "absolute"
    relative = "relative"

class ScanDimension(ProtoModel):
    A full description of a dimension to scan over.

    type: ScanTypeEnum = Field(..., description=str(ScanTypeEnum.__doc__))
    indices: List[int] = Field(
        description="The indices of atoms to select for the scan. The size of this is a function of the type. e.g., "
        "distances, angles and dihedrals require 2, 3, and 4 atoms, respectively.",
    steps: List[float] = Field(
        description="Step sizes to scan in relative to your current location in the scan. This must be a strictly "
        "monotonic series.",
        units=["Bohr", "degrees"],
    step_type: StepTypeEnum = Field(..., description=str(StepTypeEnum.__doc__))

    @validator("type", "step_type", pre=True)
    def check_lower_type_step_type(cls, v):
        return v.lower()

    def check_indices(cls, v, values, **kwargs):
        sizes = {ScanTypeEnum.distance: 2, ScanTypeEnum.angle: 3, ScanTypeEnum.dihedral: 4}
        if sizes[values["type"]] != len(v):
            raise ValueError(
                "ScanDimension of type {} must have {} values, found {}.".format(
                    values["type"], sizes[values["type"]], len(v)

        return v

    def check_steps(cls, v):
        if not (all(x < y for x, y in zip(v, v[1:])) or all(x > y for x, y in zip(v, v[1:]))):
            raise ValueError("Steps are not strictly monotonically increasing or decreasing.")

        v = recursive_normalizer(v)

        return v

class GOKeywords(ProtoModel):
    GridOptimizationRecord options.

    scans: List[ScanDimension] = Field(
        ..., description="The dimensions to scan along (along with their options) for the GridOptimization."
    preoptimization: bool = Field(
        description="If ``True``, first runs an unrestricted optimization before starting the grid computations. "
        "This is especially useful when combined with ``relative`` ``step_types``.",

_gridopt_constr = constr(strip_whitespace=True, regex="gridoptimization")
_qcfractal_constr = constr(strip_whitespace=True, regex="qcfractal")

[docs]class GridOptimizationInput(ProtoModel): """ The input to create a GridOptimization Service with. """ program: _qcfractal_constr = Field( "qcfractal", description="The name of the source program which initializes the Grid Optimization. This is a constant " "and is used for provenance information.", ) procedure: _gridopt_constr = Field( "gridoptimization", description="The name of the procedure being run. This is a constant and is used for provenance information.", ) initial_molecule: Union[ObjectId, Molecule] = Field( ..., description="The Molecule to begin the Grid Optimization with. This can either be an existing Molecule in " "the database (through its :class:`ObjectId`) or a fully specified :class:`Molecule` model.", ) keywords: GOKeywords = Field(..., description="The keyword options to run the Grid Optimization.") optimization_spec: OptimizationSpecification = Field( ..., description="The specification to run the underlying optimization through at each grid point." ) qc_spec: QCSpecification = Field( ..., description="The specification for each of the quantum chemistry calculations run in each geometry " "optimization.", )
[docs]class GridOptimizationRecord(RecordBase): """ The record of a GridOptimization service result. A GridOptimization is a type of constrained optimization in which a set of dimension are scanned over. An is to compute the """ # Classdata _hash_indices = {"initial_molecule", "keywords", "optimization_meta", "qc_spec"} # Version data version: int = Field(1, description="The version number of the Record.") procedure: _gridopt_constr = Field( "gridoptimization", description="The name of the procedure being run, which is Grid Optimization. This is a constant " "and is used for provenance information.", ) program: _qcfractal_constr = Field( "qcfractal", description="The name of the source program which initializes the Grid Optimization. This is a constant " "and is used for provenance information.", ) # Input data initial_molecule: ObjectId = Field(..., description="Id of the initial molecule in the database.") keywords: GOKeywords = Field(..., description="The keywords for this Grid Optimization.") optimization_spec: OptimizationSpecification = Field( ..., description="The specification of each geometry optimization." ) qc_spec: QCSpecification = Field( ..., description="The specification for each of the quantum chemistry computations used by the geometry " "optimizations.", ) # Output data starting_molecule: ObjectId = Field( ..., description="Id of the molecule in the database begins the grid optimization. " "This will differ from the ``initial_molecule`` if ``preoptimization`` is True.", ) final_energy_dict: Dict[str, float] = Field( ..., description="Map of the final energy from the grid optimization at each grid point." ) grid_optimizations: Dict[str, ObjectId] = Field(..., description="The Id of each optimization at each grid point.") starting_grid: tuple = Field( ..., description="Initial grid point from which the Grid Optimization started. This grid point is the closest in " "structure to the ``starting_molecule``.", ) # yapf: disable ## Utility def _organize_return(self, data: Dict[str, Any], key: Union[int, str, None]) -> Dict[str, Any]: if key is None: return {self.deserialize_key(k): copy.deepcopy(v) for k, v in data.items()} else: key = self.serialize_key(key) return copy.deepcopy(data[key])
[docs] @staticmethod def serialize_key(key: Union[int, Tuple[int]]) -> str: """Serializes the key to map to the internal keys. Parameters ---------- key : Union[int, Tuple[int]] A integer or list of integers denoting the position in the grid to find. Returns ------- str The internal key value. """ if isinstance(key, (int, float)): key = (int(key),) return json.dumps(key)
[docs] @staticmethod def deserialize_key(key: str) -> Tuple[int]: """Unpacks a string key to a python object. Parameters ---------- key : str The input key Returns ------- Tuple[int] The unpacked key. """ data = json.loads(key) if data == "preoptimization": return data else: return tuple(data)
[docs] def get_scan_value(self, scan_number: Union[str, int, Tuple[int]]) -> Tuple[float, ...]: """ Obtains the scan parameters at a given grid point. Parameters ---------- scan_number : Union[str, int, Tuple[int]] The key of the scan. Returns ------- Tuple[float, ...] Description """ if isinstance(scan_number, str): scan_number = self.deserialize_key(scan_number) ret = [] for n, idx in enumerate(scan_number): ret.append(self.keywords.scans[n].steps[idx]) return tuple(ret)
[docs] def get_scan_dimensions(self) -> Tuple[float, ...]: """ Returns the overall dimensions of the scan. Returns ------- Tuple[float, ...] The size of each dimension in the scan. """ ret = [] for scan in self.keywords.scans: ret.append(len(scan.steps)) return tuple(ret)
def detailed_status(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: # Compute the total number of grid points tpoints = 1 for scan in self.keywords.scans: tpoints *= len(scan.steps) if self.keywords.preoptimization: tpoints += 1 flat_history = list(self.get_history().values()) ret = { "status": self.status.value, "total_points": tpoints, "computed_points": len(self.grid_optimizations), "complete_tasks": sum(x.status == "COMPLETE" for x in flat_history), "incomplete_tasks": sum((x.status == "INCOMPLETE") or (x.status == "RUNNING") for x in flat_history), "error_tasks": sum(x.status == "ERROR" for x in flat_history), } ret["current_tasks"] = ret["error_tasks"] + ret["incomplete_tasks"] ret["percent_complete"] = ret["computed_points"] / ret["total_points"] * 100 ret["errors"] = [x for x in flat_history if x.status == "ERROR"] return ret ## Query
[docs] def get_history(self, key: Union[int, str, None] = None) -> Dict[str, "Optimization"]: """Pulls the optimization history of the computation. Parameters ---------- key : Union[int, str, None], optional Specifies a single entry to pull from. Returns ------- Dict[str, 'Optimization'] Return the optimizations in the computed history. """ if "optimization_history" not in self.cache: procs = self.client.query_procedures(id=list(self.grid_optimizations.values())) proc_map = { x for x in procs} self.cache["optimization_history"] = {k: proc_map[v] for k, v in self.grid_optimizations.items()} return self._organize_return(self.cache["optimization_history"], key)
[docs] def get_final_energies(self, key: Union[int, str, None] = None) -> Dict[str, float]: """ Provides the final optimized energies at each grid point. Parameters ---------- key : Union[int, str, None], optional Specifies a single entry to pull from. Returns ------- energy : Dict[str, float] Returns energies at each grid point in a dictionary or at a single point if a key is specified. Examples -------- >>> grid_optimization_record.get_final_energies() {(-90,): -148.7641654446243, (180,): -148.76501336993732, (0,): -148.75056290106735, (90,): -148.7641654446148} >>> grid_optimization_record.get_final_energies((-90,)) -148.7641654446243 """ return self._organize_return(self.final_energy_dict, key)
[docs] def get_final_molecules(self, key: Union[int, str, None] = None) -> Dict[str, "Molecule"]: """ Provides the final optimized molecules at each grid point. Parameters ---------- key : Union[int, str, None], optional Specifies a single entry to pull from. Returns ------- final_molecules : Dict[str, 'Molecule'] Returns energies at each grid point in a dictionary or at a single point if a key is specified. Examples -------- >>> mols = grid_optimization_record.get_final_molecules() >>> type(mols[(-90, )]) qcelemental.models.molecule.Molecule >>> type(grid_optimization_record.get_final_molecules((-90,))) qcelemental.models.molecule.Molecule """ if "final_molecules" not in self.cache: ret = {} for k, task_id in self.grid_optimizations.items(): task = self.client.query_procedures(id=task_id)[0] ret[k] = task.get_final_molecule() self.cache["final_molecules"] = ret data = self.cache["final_molecules"] return self._organize_return(data, key)
[docs] def get_final_results(self, key: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...], str] = None) -> Dict[str, "ResultRecord"]: """Returns the final opt gradient result records at each grid point. Parameters ---------- key : Union[int, Tuple[int, ...], str], optional Specifies a single entry to pull from. Returns ------- final_results : Dict[str, 'ResultRecord'] Returns ResultRecord at each grid point in a dictionary or at a single point if a key is specified. Examples -------- >>> mols = grid_optimization_record.get_final_results() >>> type(mols[(-90, )]) qcfractal.interface.models.records.ResultRecord >>> type(grid_optimization_record.get_final_results((-90,))) qcfractal.interface.models.records.ResultRecord """ if "final_results" not in self.cache: map_id_key = {} ret = {} for k, task_id in self.grid_optimizations.items(): task = self.client.query_procedures(id=task_id)[0] if len(task.trajectory) > 0: final_grad_record_id = task.trajectory[-1] # store the id -> grid id mapping map_id_key[final_grad_record_id] = k # combine the ids into one query query_result_ids = list(map_id_key.keys()) # run the query on this batch for grad_result_record in self.client.query_results(id=query_result_ids): k = map_id_key[] ret[k] = grad_result_record self.cache["final_results"] = ret data = self.cache["final_results"] return self._organize_return(data, key)