Models for the REST interface
import functools
import re
import warnings
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from pydantic import Field, constr, root_validator, validator
from qcelemental.util import get_base_docs
from .common_models import KeywordSet, Molecule, ObjectId, ProtoModel, KVStore
from .gridoptimization import GridOptimizationInput
from .records import ResultRecord
from .task_models import PriorityEnum, TaskRecord
from .torsiondrive import TorsionDriveInput
__all__ = [
### Utility functions
__rest_models = {}
def register_model(name: str, rest: str, body: ProtoModel, response: ProtoModel) -> None:
Registers a new REST model.
name : str
A regular expression describing the rest endpoint.
rest : str
The REST endpoint type.
body : ProtoModel
The REST query body model.
response : ProtoModel
The REST query response model.
rest = rest.upper()
if (name in __rest_models) and (rest in __rest_models[name]):
raise KeyError(f"Model name {name} already registered.")
if name not in __rest_models:
__rest_models[name] = {}
__rest_models[name][rest] = (body, response)
@functools.lru_cache(1000, typed=True)
def rest_model(resource: str, rest: str) -> Tuple[ProtoModel, ProtoModel]:
Acquires a REST Model.
resource : str
The REST endpoint resource name.
rest : str
The REST endpoint type: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
Tuple[ProtoModel, ProtoModel]
The (body, response) models of the REST request.
rest = rest.upper()
matches = []
for model_re in __rest_models.keys():
if re.fullmatch(model_re, resource):
except KeyError:
pass # Could have different regexes for different endpoint types
if len(matches) == 0:
raise KeyError(f"REST Model for endpoint {resource} could not be found.")
if len(matches) > 1:
f"Multiple REST models were matched for {rest} request at endpoint {resource}. "
f"The following models will be used: {matches[0][0]}, {matches[0][1]}.",
return matches[0]
### Generic Types and Common Models
nullstr = constr(regex="null")
QueryStr = Optional[Union[List[str], str]]
QueryInt = Optional[Union[List[int], int]]
QueryObjectId = Optional[Union[List[ObjectId], ObjectId]]
QueryNullObjectId = Optional[Union[List[ObjectId], ObjectId, List[nullstr], nullstr]]
QueryListStr = Optional[List[str]]
[docs]class ResponsePOSTMeta(ResponseMeta):
Standard Fractal Server response metadata for POST/add type requests.
n_inserted: int = Field(
description="The number of new objects amongst the inputs which did not exist already, and are now in the "
duplicates: Union[List[str], List[Tuple[str, str]]] = Field(
description="The Ids of the objects which already exist in the database amongst the set which were passed in.",
validation_errors: List[str] = Field(
..., description="All errors with validating submitted objects will be documented here."
class QueryFilter(ProtoModel):
Standard Fractal Server metadata for column filtering
include: QueryListStr = Field(
description="Return only these columns. Expert-level object. Only one of include and exclude may be specified.",
exclude: QueryListStr = Field(
description="Return all but these columns. Expert-level object. Only one of include and exclude may be specified.",
def check_include_or_exclude(cls, values):
include = values.get("include")
exclude = values.get("exclude")
if (include is not None) and (exclude is not None):
raise ValueError("Only one of include and exclude may be specified.")
return values
class QueryMetaFilter(QueryMeta, QueryFilter):
Fractal Server metadata for Database queries allowing for filtering and pagination
class ComputeResponse(ProtoModel):
The response model from the Fractal Server when new Compute or Services are added.
ids: List[Optional[ObjectId]] = Field(..., description="The Id's of the records to be computed.")
submitted: List[ObjectId] = Field(
..., description="The object Ids which were submitted as new entries to the database."
existing: List[ObjectId] = Field(..., description="The list of object Ids which already existed in the database.")
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"ComputeResponse(nsubmitted={len(self.submitted)} nexisting={len(self.existing)})"
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"<{self}>"
def merge(self, other: "ComputeResponse") -> "ComputeResponse":
"""Merges two ComputeResponse objects together. The first takes precedence and order is maintained.
other : ComputeResponse
The compute response to merge
The merged compute response
return ComputeResponse(
ids=(self.ids + other.ids),
submitted=(self.submitted + other.submitted),
existing=(self.existing + other.existing),
common_docs = {
EmptyMeta: str(get_base_docs(EmptyMeta)),
ResponseMeta: str(get_base_docs(ResponseMeta)),
ResponseGETMeta: str(get_base_docs(ResponseGETMeta)),
ResponsePOSTMeta: str(get_base_docs(ResponsePOSTMeta)),
QueryMeta: str(get_base_docs(QueryMeta)),
QueryMetaFilter: str(get_base_docs(QueryMetaFilter)),
ComputeResponse: str(get_base_docs(ComputeResponse)),
### Information
class InformationGETBody(ProtoModel):
class InformationGETResponse(ProtoModel):
class Config(ProtoModel.Config):
extra = "allow"
register_model("information", "GET", InformationGETBody, InformationGETResponse)
### KVStore
[docs]class KVStoreGETBody(ProtoModel):
class Data(ProtoModel):
id: QueryObjectId = Field(None, description="Id of the Key/Value Storage object to get.")
meta: EmptyMeta = Field({}, description=common_docs[EmptyMeta])
data: Data = Field(..., description="Data of the KV Get field: consists of Id of the Key/Value object to fetch.")
[docs]class KVStoreGETResponse(ProtoModel):
meta: ResponseGETMeta = Field(..., description=common_docs[ResponseGETMeta])
data: Dict[str, KVStore] = Field(..., description="The entries of Key/Value object requested.")
register_model("kvstore", "GET", KVStoreGETBody, KVStoreGETResponse)
### Molecule response
[docs]class MoleculeGETBody(ProtoModel):
class Data(ProtoModel):
id: QueryObjectId = Field(None, description="Exact Id of the Molecule to fetch from the database.")
molecule_hash: QueryStr = Field(
description="Hash of the Molecule to search for in the database. Can be computed from the Molecule object "
"directly without direct access to the Database itself.",
molecular_formula: QueryStr = Field(
description="Query is made based on simple molecular formula. This is based on just the formula itself and "
"contains no connectivity information.",
meta: QueryMeta = Field(QueryMeta(), description=common_docs[QueryMeta])
data: Data = Field(
description="Data fields for a Molecule query.", # Because Data is internal, this may not document sufficiently
[docs]class MoleculeGETResponse(ProtoModel):
meta: ResponseGETMeta = Field(..., description=common_docs[ResponseGETMeta])
data: List[Molecule] = Field(..., description="The List of Molecule objects found by the query.")
register_model("molecule", "GET", MoleculeGETBody, MoleculeGETResponse)
[docs]class MoleculePOSTBody(ProtoModel):
meta: EmptyMeta = Field({}, description=common_docs[EmptyMeta])
data: List[Molecule] = Field(..., description="A list of :class:`Molecule` objects to add to the Database.")
[docs]class MoleculePOSTResponse(ProtoModel):
meta: ResponsePOSTMeta = Field(..., description=common_docs[ResponsePOSTMeta])
data: List[ObjectId] = Field(
description="A list of Id's assigned to the Molecule objects passed in which serves as a unique identifier "
"in the database. If the Molecule was already in the database, then the Id returned is its "
"existing Id (entries are not duplicated).",
register_model("molecule", "POST", MoleculePOSTBody, MoleculePOSTResponse)
### Keywords
[docs]class KeywordGETBody(ProtoModel):
class Data(ProtoModel):
id: QueryObjectId = None
hash_index: QueryStr = None
meta: QueryMeta = Field(QueryMeta(), description=common_docs[QueryMeta])
data: Data = Field(
description="The formal query for a Keyword fetch, contains ``id`` or ``hash_index`` for the object to fetch.",
[docs]class KeywordGETResponse(ProtoModel):
meta: ResponseGETMeta = Field(..., description=common_docs[ResponseGETMeta])
data: List[KeywordSet] = Field(
..., description="The :class:`KeywordSet` found from in the database based on the query."
register_model("keyword", "GET", KeywordGETBody, KeywordGETResponse)
[docs]class KeywordPOSTBody(ProtoModel):
meta: EmptyMeta = Field(
{}, description="There is no metadata with this, so an empty metadata is sent for completion."
data: List[KeywordSet] = Field(..., description="The list of :class:`KeywordSet` objects to add to the database.")
[docs]class KeywordPOSTResponse(ProtoModel):
data: List[Optional[ObjectId]] = Field(
description="The Ids assigned to the added :class:`KeywordSet` objects. In the event of duplicates, the Id "
"will be the one already found in the database.",
meta: ResponsePOSTMeta = Field(..., description=common_docs[ResponsePOSTMeta])
register_model("keyword", "POST", KeywordPOSTBody, KeywordPOSTResponse)
### Collections
[docs]class CollectionGETBody(ProtoModel):
class Data(ProtoModel):
collection: str = Field(
None, description="The specific collection to look up as its identified in the database."
name: str = Field(None, description="The common name of the collection to look up.")
def cast_to_lower(cls, v):
if v:
v = v.lower()
return v
meta: QueryFilter = Field(
description="Additional metadata to make with the query. Collections can only have an ``include/exclude`` key in its "
"meta and therefore does not follow the standard GET metadata model.",
data: Data = Field(..., description="Information about the Collection to search the database with.")
[docs]class CollectionGETResponse(ProtoModel):
meta: ResponseGETMeta = Field(..., description=common_docs[ResponseGETMeta])
data: List[Dict[str, Optional[Any]]] = Field(
..., description="The Collection objects returned by the server based on the query."
def ensure_collection_name_in_data_get_res(cls, v):
for col in v:
if "name" not in col or "collection" not in col:
raise ValueError("Dicts in 'data' must have both 'collection' and 'name'")
return v
register_model("collection", "GET", CollectionGETBody, CollectionGETResponse)
[docs]class CollectionPOSTBody(ProtoModel):
class Meta(ProtoModel):
overwrite: bool = Field(
description="The existing Collection in the database will be updated if this is True, otherwise will "
"remain unmodified if it already exists.",
class Data(ProtoModel):
id: str = Field(
"local", # Auto blocks overwriting in a socket
description="The Id of the object to assign in the database. If 'local', then it will not overwrite "
"existing keys. There should be very little reason to ever touch this.",
collection: str = Field(
..., description="The specific identifier for this Collection as it will appear in database."
name: str = Field(..., description="The common name of this Collection.")
class Config(ProtoModel.Config):
extra = "allow"
def cast_to_lower(cls, v):
return v.lower()
meta: Meta = Field(
description="Metadata to specify how the Database should handle adding this Collection if it already exists. "
"Metadata model for adding Collections can only accept ``overwrite`` as a key to choose to update "
"existing Collections or not.",
data: Data = Field(..., description="The data associated with this Collection to add to the database.")
[docs]class CollectionPOSTResponse(ProtoModel):
data: Union[str, None] = Field(
description="The Id of the Collection uniquely pointing to it in the Database. If the Collection was not added "
"(e.g. ``overwrite=False`` for existing Collection), then a None is returned.",
meta: ResponsePOSTMeta = Field(..., description=common_docs[ResponsePOSTMeta])
register_model("collection", "POST", CollectionPOSTBody, CollectionPOSTResponse)
class CollectionDELETEBody(ProtoModel):
meta: EmptyMeta
class CollectionDELETEResponse(ProtoModel):
meta: ResponseMeta
register_model("collection/[0-9]+", "DELETE", CollectionDELETEBody, CollectionDELETEResponse)
### Collection views
class CollectionSubresourceGETResponseMeta(ResponseMeta):
Response metadata for collection views functions.
msgpacked_cols: List[str] = Field(..., description="Names of columns which were serialized to msgpack-ext.")
class CollectionEntryGETBody(ProtoModel):
class Data(ProtoModel):
subset: QueryStr = Field(
description="Not implemented. " "See qcfractal.interface.collections.dataset_view.DatasetView.get_entries",
meta: EmptyMeta = Field(EmptyMeta(), description=common_docs[EmptyMeta])
data: Data = Field(..., description="Information about which entries to return.")
class CollectionEntryGETResponse(ProtoModel):
meta: CollectionSubresourceGETResponseMeta = Field(
..., description=str(get_base_docs(CollectionSubresourceGETResponseMeta))
data: Optional[bytes] = Field(..., description="Feather-serialized bytes representing a pandas DataFrame.")
register_model("collection/[0-9]+/entry", "GET", CollectionEntryGETBody, CollectionEntryGETResponse)
class CollectionMoleculeGETBody(ProtoModel):
class Data(ProtoModel):
indexes: List[int] = Field(
description="List of molecule indexes to return (returned by get_entries). "
"See qcfractal.interface.collections.dataset_view.DatasetView.get_molecules",
meta: EmptyMeta = Field(EmptyMeta(), description=common_docs[EmptyMeta])
data: Data = Field(..., description="Information about which molecules to return.")
class CollectionMoleculeGETResponse(ProtoModel):
meta: CollectionSubresourceGETResponseMeta = Field(
..., description=str(get_base_docs(CollectionSubresourceGETResponseMeta))
data: Optional[bytes] = Field(..., description="Feather-serialized bytes representing a pandas DataFrame.")
register_model("collection/[0-9]+/molecule", "GET", CollectionMoleculeGETBody, CollectionMoleculeGETResponse)
class CollectionValueGETBody(ProtoModel):
class Data(ProtoModel):
class QueryData(ProtoModel):
name: str
driver: str
native: bool
queries: List[QueryData] = Field(
description="List of queries to match against values columns. "
"See qcfractal.interface.collections.dataset_view.DatasetView.get_values",
subset: QueryStr
meta: EmptyMeta = Field(EmptyMeta(), description=common_docs[EmptyMeta])
data: Data = Field(..., description="Information about which values to return.")
class CollectionValueGETResponse(ProtoModel):
class Data(ProtoModel):
values: bytes = Field(..., description="Feather-serialized bytes representing a pandas DataFrame.")
units: Dict[str, str] = Field(..., description="Units of value columns.")
meta: CollectionSubresourceGETResponseMeta = Field(
..., description=str(get_base_docs(CollectionSubresourceGETResponseMeta))
data: Optional[Data] = Field(..., description="Values and units.")
register_model("collection/[0-9]+/value", "GET", CollectionValueGETBody, CollectionValueGETResponse)
class CollectionListGETBody(ProtoModel):
class Data(ProtoModel):
meta: EmptyMeta = Field(EmptyMeta(), description=common_docs[EmptyMeta])
data: Data = Field(..., description="Empty for now.")
class CollectionListGETResponse(ProtoModel):
meta: CollectionSubresourceGETResponseMeta = Field(
..., description=str(get_base_docs(CollectionSubresourceGETResponseMeta))
data: Optional[bytes] = Field(..., description="Feather-serialized bytes representing a pandas DataFrame.")
register_model("collection/[0-9]+/list", "GET", CollectionListGETBody, CollectionListGETResponse)
### Result
[docs]class ResultGETBody(ProtoModel):
class Data(ProtoModel):
id: QueryObjectId = Field(
description="The exact Id to fetch from the database. If this is set as a search condition, there is no "
"reason to set anything else as this will be unique in the database, if it exists.",
task_id: QueryObjectId = Field(
description="The exact Id of the task which carried out this Result's computation. If this is set as a "
"search condition, there is no reason to set anything else as this will be unique in the "
"database, if it exists. See also :class:`TaskRecord`.",
program: QueryStr = Field(
description="Results will be searched to match the quantum chemistry software which carried out the "
molecule: QueryObjectId = Field(
None, description="Results will be searched to match the Molecule Id which was computed on."
driver: QueryStr = Field(
description="Results will be searched to match what class of computation was done. "
"See :class:`DriverEnum` for valid choices and more information.",
method: QueryStr = Field(
description="Results will be searched to match the quantum chemistry method executed to compute the value.",
basis: QueryStr = Field(
description="Results will be searched to match specified basis sets which were used to compute the values.",
keywords: QueryNullObjectId = Field(
description="Results will be searched based on which :class:`KeywordSet` was used to run the computation.",
status: QueryStr = Field(
description="Results will be searched based on where they are in the compute pipeline. See the "
":class:`RecordStatusEnum` for valid statuses and more information.",
@validator("keywords", each_item=True, pre=True)
def validate_keywords(cls, v):
if v is None:
v = "null"
return v
@validator("basis", each_item=True, pre=True)
def validate_basis(cls, v):
if (v is None) or (v == ""):
v = "null"
return v
meta: QueryMetaFilter = Field(QueryMetaFilter(), description=common_docs[QueryMetaFilter])
data: Data = Field(
..., description="The keys with data to search the database on for individual quantum chemistry computations."
[docs]class ResultGETResponse(ProtoModel):
meta: ResponseGETMeta = Field(..., description=common_docs[ResponseGETMeta])
# Either a record or dict depending if projection
data: Union[List[ResultRecord], List[Dict[str, Any]]] = Field(
description="Results found from the query. This is a list of :class:`ResultRecord` in most cases, however, "
"if a projection was specified in the GET request, then a dict is returned with mappings based "
"on the projection.",
@validator("data", pre=True)
def ensure_list_of_dict(cls, v):
if isinstance(v, dict):
return [v]
return v
register_model("result", "GET", ResultGETBody, ResultGETResponse)
### Wavefunction data
class WavefunctionStoreGETBody(ProtoModel):
class Data(ProtoModel):
id: ObjectId = Field(None, description="Id of the Wavefunction Key/Value Storage object to get.")
meta: QueryMetaFilter = Field(QueryMetaFilter(), description=common_docs[QueryMetaFilter])
data: Data = Field(
description="Data of the Wavefunction Get field: consists of a ObjectId of the Wavefunction object to fetch.",
class WavefunctionStoreGETResponse(ProtoModel):
meta: ResponseGETMeta = Field(..., description=common_docs[ResponseGETMeta])
data: Dict[str, Any] = Field(..., description="The entries of the Wavefunction object requested.")
register_model("wavefunctionstore", "GET", WavefunctionStoreGETBody, WavefunctionStoreGETResponse)
### Procedures
[docs]class ProcedureGETBody(ProtoModel):
class Data(ProtoModel):
id: QueryObjectId = Field(
description="The exact Id to fetch from the database. If this is set as a search condition, there is no "
"reason to set anything else as this will be unique in the database, if it exists.",
task_id: QueryObjectId = Field(
description="The exact Id of a task which is carried out by this Procedure. If this is set as a "
"search condition, there is no reason to set anything else as this will be unique in the "
"database, if it exists. See also :class:`TaskRecord`.",
procedure: QueryStr = Field(None, description="Procedures will be searched based on the name of the procedure.")
program: QueryStr = Field(
description="Procedures will be searched based on the program which is the main manager of the procedure",
hash_index: QueryStr = Field(
description="Procedures will be searched based on a hash of the defined procedure. This is something which "
"can be generated by the Procedure spec itself and does not require server access to compute. "
"This should be unique in the database so there should be no reason to set anything else "
"if this is set as a query.",
status: QueryStr = Field(
description="Procedures will be searched based on where they are in the compute pipeline. See the "
":class:`RecordStatusEnum` for valid statuses.",
meta: QueryMetaFilter = Field(QueryMetaFilter(), description=common_docs[QueryMetaFilter])
data: Data = Field(..., description="The keys with data to search the database on for Procedures.")
[docs]class ProcedureGETResponse(ProtoModel):
meta: ResponseGETMeta = Field(..., description=common_docs[ResponseGETMeta])
data: List[Dict[str, Optional[Any]]] = Field(
..., description="The list of Procedure specs found based on the query."
register_model("procedure", "GET", ProcedureGETBody, ProcedureGETResponse)
### Task Queue
[docs]class TaskQueueGETBody(ProtoModel):
class Data(ProtoModel):
id: QueryObjectId = Field(
description="The exact Id to fetch from the database. If this is set as a search condition, there is no "
"reason to set anything else as this will be unique in the database, if it exists.",
hash_index: QueryStr = Field(
description="Tasks will be searched based on a hash of the defined Task. This is something which can "
"be generated by the Task spec itself and does not require server access to compute. "
"This should be unique in the database so there should be no reason to set anything else "
"if this is set as a query.",
program: QueryStr = Field(
None, description="Tasks will be searched based on the program responsible for executing this task."
status: QueryStr = Field(
description="Tasks will be search based on where they are in the compute pipeline. See the "
":class:`RecordStatusEnum` for valid statuses.",
base_result: QueryStr = Field(
description="The exact Id of the Result which this Task is linked to. If this is set as a "
"search condition, there is no reason to set anything else as this will be unique in the "
"database, if it exists. See also :class:`ResultRecord`.",
tag: QueryStr = Field(None, description="Tasks will be searched based on their associated tag.")
manager: QueryStr = Field(
None, description="Tasks will be searched based on the manager responsible for executing the task."
meta: QueryMetaFilter = Field(QueryMetaFilter(), description=common_docs[QueryMetaFilter])
data: Data = Field(..., description="The keys with data to search the database on for Tasks.")
[docs]class TaskQueueGETResponse(ProtoModel):
meta: ResponseGETMeta = Field(..., description=common_docs[ResponseGETMeta])
data: Union[List[TaskRecord], List[Dict[str, Any]]] = Field(
description="Tasks found from the query. This is a list of :class:`TaskRecord` in most cases, however, "
"if a projection was specified in the GET request, then a dict is returned with mappings based "
"on the projection.",
register_model("task_queue", "GET", TaskQueueGETBody, TaskQueueGETResponse)
[docs]class TaskQueuePOSTBody(ProtoModel):
class Meta(ProtoModel):
procedure: str = Field(..., description="Name of the procedure which the Task will execute.")
program: str = Field(..., description="The program which this Task will execute.")
tag: Optional[str] = Field(
description="Tag to assign to this Task so that Queue Managers can pull only Tasks based on this entry."
"If no Tag is specified, any Queue Manager can pull this Task.",
priority: Union[PriorityEnum, None] = Field(None, description=str(PriorityEnum.__doc__))
class Config(ProtoModel.Config):
extra = "allow"
@validator("priority", pre=True)
def munge_priority(cls, v):
if isinstance(v, str):
v = PriorityEnum[v.upper()]
return v
meta: Meta = Field(..., description="The additional specification information for the Task to add to the Database.")
data: List[Union[ObjectId, Molecule]] = Field(
description="The list of either Molecule objects or Molecule Id's (those already in the database) to submit as "
"part of this Task.",
[docs]class TaskQueuePOSTResponse(ProtoModel):
meta: ResponsePOSTMeta = Field(..., description=common_docs[ResponsePOSTMeta])
data: ComputeResponse = Field(..., description="Data returned from the server from adding a Task.")
register_model("task_queue", "POST", TaskQueuePOSTBody, TaskQueuePOSTResponse)
[docs]class TaskQueuePUTBody(ProtoModel):
class Data(ProtoModel):
id: QueryObjectId = Field(
description="The exact Id to target in database. If this is set as a search condition, there is no "
"reason to set anything else as this will be unique in the database, if it exists.",
base_result: QueryObjectId = Field( # TODO: Validate this description is correct
description="The exact Id of a result which this Task is slated to write to. If this is set as a "
"search condition, there is no reason to set anything else as this will be unique in the "
"database, if it exists. See also :class:`ResultRecord`.",
new_tag: Optional[str] = Field(
description="Change the tag of an existing or regenerated task to be this value",
new_priority: Union[str, int, None] = Field(
description="Change the priority of an existing or regenerated task to this value",
class Meta(ProtoModel):
operation: str = Field(..., description="The specific action you are taking as part of this update.")
def cast_to_lower(cls, v):
return v.lower()
meta: Meta = Field(..., description="The instructions to pass to the target Task from ``data``.")
data: Data = Field(..., description="The information which contains the Task target in the database.")
[docs]class TaskQueuePUTResponse(ProtoModel):
class Data(ProtoModel):
n_updated: int = Field(..., description="The number of tasks which were changed.")
meta: ResponseMeta = Field(..., description=common_docs[ResponseMeta])
data: Data = Field(..., description="Information returned from attempting updates of Tasks.")
register_model("task_queue", "PUT", TaskQueuePUTBody, TaskQueuePUTResponse)
### Service Queue
[docs]class ServiceQueueGETBody(ProtoModel):
class Data(ProtoModel):
id: QueryObjectId = Field(
description="The exact Id to fetch from the database. If this is set as a search condition, there is no "
"reason to set anything else as this will be unique in the database, if it exists.",
procedure_id: QueryObjectId = Field( # TODO: Validate this description is correct
description="The exact Id of the Procedure this Service is responsible for executing. If this is set as a "
"search condition, there is no reason to set anything else as this will be unique in the "
"database, if it exists.",
hash_index: QueryStr = Field(
description="Services are searched based on a hash of the defined Service. This is something which can "
"be generated by the Service spec itself and does not require server access to compute. "
"This should be unique in the database so there should be no reason to set anything else "
"if this is set as a query.",
status: QueryStr = Field(
description="Services are searched based on where they are in the compute pipeline. See the "
":class:`RecordStatusEnum` for valid statuses.",
meta: QueryMeta = Field(QueryMeta(), description=common_docs[QueryMeta])
data: Data = Field(..., description="The keys with data to search the database on for Services.")
[docs]class ServiceQueueGETResponse(ProtoModel):
meta: ResponseGETMeta = Field(..., description=common_docs[ResponseGETMeta])
data: List[Dict[str, Optional[Any]]] = Field(
..., description="The return of Services found in the database mapping their Ids to the Service spec."
register_model("service_queue", "GET", ServiceQueueGETBody, ServiceQueueGETResponse)
[docs]class ServiceQueuePOSTBody(ProtoModel):
class Meta(ProtoModel):
tag: Optional[str] = Field(
description="Tag to assign to the Tasks this Service will generate so that Queue Managers can pull only "
"Tasks based on this entry. If no Tag is specified, any Queue Manager can pull this Tasks "
"created by this Service.",
priority: Union[str, int, None] = Field(
description="Priority given to this Tasks created by this Service. Higher priority will be pulled first.",
meta: Meta = Field(
description="Metadata information for the Service for the Tag and Priority of Tasks this Service will create.",
data: List[Union[TorsionDriveInput, GridOptimizationInput]] = Field(
..., description="A list the specification for Procedures this Service will manage and generate Tasks for."
[docs]class ServiceQueuePOSTResponse(ProtoModel):
meta: ResponsePOSTMeta = Field(..., description=common_docs[ResponsePOSTMeta])
data: ComputeResponse = Field(..., description="Data returned from the server from adding a Service.")
register_model("service_queue", "POST", ServiceQueuePOSTBody, ServiceQueuePOSTResponse)
[docs]class ServiceQueuePUTBody(ProtoModel):
class Data(ProtoModel):
id: QueryObjectId = Field(None, description="The Id of the Service.")
procedure_id: QueryObjectId = Field(None, description="The Id of the Procedure that the Service is linked to.")
class Meta(ProtoModel):
operation: str = Field(..., description="The update action to perform.")
def cast_to_lower(cls, v):
return v.lower()
meta: Meta = Field(..., description="The instructions to pass to the targeted Service.")
data: Data = Field(..., description="The information which contains the Service target in the database.")
[docs]class ServiceQueuePUTResponse(ProtoModel):
class Data(ProtoModel):
n_updated: int = Field(..., description="The number of services which were changed.")
meta: ResponseMeta = Field(..., description=common_docs[ResponseMeta])
data: Data = Field(..., description="Information returned from attempting updates of Services.")
register_model("service_queue", "PUT", ServiceQueuePUTBody, ServiceQueuePUTResponse)
### Queue Manager
# Add the new QueueManagerMeta to the docs
common_docs[QueueManagerMeta] = str(get_base_docs(QueueManagerMeta))
[docs]class QueueManagerGETBody(ProtoModel):
class Data(ProtoModel):
limit: int = Field(..., description="Max number of Queue Managers to get from the server.")
meta: QueueManagerMeta = Field(..., description=common_docs[QueueManagerMeta])
data: Data = Field(
description="A model of Task request data for the Queue Manager to fetch. Accepts ``limit`` as the maximum "
"number of tasks to pull.",
[docs]class QueueManagerGETResponse(ProtoModel):
meta: ResponseGETMeta = Field(..., description=common_docs[ResponseGETMeta])
data: List[Dict[str, Optional[Any]]] = Field(
..., description="A list of tasks retrieved from the server to compute."
register_model("queue_manager", "GET", QueueManagerGETBody, QueueManagerGETResponse)
[docs]class QueueManagerPOSTBody(ProtoModel):
meta: QueueManagerMeta = Field(..., description=common_docs[QueueManagerMeta])
data: Dict[ObjectId, Any] = Field(..., description="A Dictionary of tasks to return to the server.")
[docs]class QueueManagerPOSTResponse(ProtoModel):
meta: ResponsePOSTMeta = Field(..., description=common_docs[ResponsePOSTMeta])
data: bool = Field(..., description="A True/False return on if the server accepted the returned tasks.")
register_model("queue_manager", "POST", QueueManagerPOSTBody, QueueManagerPOSTResponse)
[docs]class QueueManagerPUTBody(ProtoModel):
class Data(ProtoModel):
operation: str
configuration: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
meta: QueueManagerMeta = Field(..., description=common_docs[QueueManagerMeta])
data: Data = Field(
description="The update action which the Queue Manager requests the Server take with respect to how the "
"Queue Manager is tracked.",
[docs]class QueueManagerPUTResponse(ProtoModel):
meta: Dict[str, Any] = Field({}, description=common_docs[EmptyMeta])
# Order on Union[] is important. Union[bool, Dict[str, int]] -> True if the input dict is not empty since
# Python can resolve dict -> bool since it passes a `is` test. Will not cast bool -> dict[str, int], so make Dict[]
# check first
data: Union[Dict[str, int], bool] = Field(
description="The response from the Server attempting to update the Queue Manager's server-side status. "
"Response type is a function of the operation made from the PUT request.",
register_model("queue_manager", "PUT", QueueManagerPUTBody, QueueManagerPUTResponse)
## advanced procedures queries
class OptimizationFinalResultBody(ProtoModel):
class Data(ProtoModel):
optimization_ids: QueryObjectId = Field(
None, description="List of optimization procedure Ids to fetch their final results from the database."
# TODO: not yet supported
meta: QueryMetaFilter = Field(QueryMetaFilter(), description=common_docs[QueryMetaFilter])
data: Data = Field(..., description="The keys with data to search the database on for Procedures.")
class OptimizationAllResultBody(ProtoModel):
class Data(ProtoModel):
optimization_ids: QueryObjectId = Field(
None, description="List of optimization procedure Ids to fetch their ALL their results from the database."
# TODO: not yet supported
meta: QueryMetaFilter = Field(QueryMetaFilter(), description=common_docs[QueryMetaFilter])
data: Data = Field(..., description="The keys with data to search the database on for Procedures.")
class OptimizationInitialMoleculeBody(ProtoModel):
class Data(ProtoModel):
optimization_ids: QueryObjectId = Field(
None, description="List of optimization procedure Ids to fetch their initial molecules from the database."
# TODO: not yet supported
meta: QueryMetaFilter = Field(QueryMetaFilter(), description=common_docs[QueryMetaFilter])
data: Data = Field(..., description="The keys with data to search the database on for Procedures.")
class OptimizationFinalMoleculeBody(ProtoModel):
class Data(ProtoModel):
optimization_ids: QueryObjectId = Field(
None, description="List of optimization procedure Ids to fetch their final molecules from the database."
# TODO: not yet supported
meta: QueryMetaFilter = Field(QueryMetaFilter(), description=common_docs[QueryMetaFilter])
data: Data = Field(..., description="The keys with data to search the database on for Procedures.")
class ResultResponse(ProtoModel):
meta: ResponseGETMeta = Field(..., description=common_docs[ResponseGETMeta])
# Either a record or dict depending if projection
data: Union[Dict[str, ResultRecord], Dict[str, Any]] = Field(
..., description="A List of Results found from the query per optimization id."
class ListResultResponse(ProtoModel):
meta: ResponseGETMeta = Field(..., description=common_docs[ResponseGETMeta])
# Either a record or dict depending if projection
data: Union[Dict[str, List[ResultRecord]], Dict[str, Any]] = Field(
..., description="A List of Results found from the query per optimization id."
class ListMoleculeResponse(ProtoModel):
meta: ResponseGETMeta = Field(..., description=common_docs[ResponseGETMeta])
# Either a record or dict depending if projection
data: Union[Dict[str, Molecule], Dict[str, Any]] = Field(
..., description="A List of Molecules found from the query per optimization id."
register_model(r"optimization/final_result", "GET", OptimizationFinalResultBody, ResultResponse)
register_model(r"optimization/all_results", "GET", OptimizationAllResultBody, ListResultResponse)
register_model(r"optimization/initial_molecule", "GET", OptimizationAllResultBody, ListMoleculeResponse)
register_model(r"optimization/final_molecule", "GET", OptimizationAllResultBody, ListMoleculeResponse)
class ManagerInfoGETBody(ProtoModel):
class Data(ProtoModel):
name: QueryStr = Field(None, description="Name(s) of managers to query for.")
status: QueryStr = Field(
description="Managers will be searched based on status. See :class:`ManagerStatusEnum` for valid statuses.",
meta: QueryMeta = Field(QueryMeta(), description=common_docs[QueryMeta])
data: Data = Field(..., description="The keys with data to search the database on for Managers.")
class ManagerInfoGETResponse(ProtoModel):
meta: ResponseGETMeta = Field(..., description=common_docs[ResponseGETMeta])
data: List[Dict[str, Any]] = Field(..., description="Information about the requested managers")
register_model(r"manager", "GET", ManagerInfoGETBody, ManagerInfoGETResponse)