Source code for qcportal.models.torsiondrive

A model for TorsionDrive

import copy
import json
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
from pydantic import Field, constr, validator
from qcelemental import constants

from ..visualization import scatter_plot
from .common_models import Molecule, ObjectId, OptimizationSpecification, ProtoModel, QCSpecification
from .model_utils import recursive_normalizer
from .records import RecordBase

__all__ = ["TDKeywords", "TorsionDriveInput", "TorsionDriveRecord"]

class TDKeywords(ProtoModel):
    TorsionDriveRecord options

    dihedrals: List[Tuple[int, int, int, int]] = Field(
        description="The list of dihedrals to select for the TorsionDrive operation. Each entry is a tuple of integers "
        "of for particle indices.",
    grid_spacing: List[int] = Field(
        description="List of grid spacing for dihedral scan in degrees. Multiple values will be mapped to each "
        "dihedral angle.",
    dihedral_ranges: Optional[List[Tuple[int, int]]] = Field(
        description="A list of dihedral range limits as a pair (lower, upper). "
        "Each range corresponds to the dihedrals in input.",
    energy_decrease_thresh: Optional[float] = Field(
        description="The threshold of the smallest energy decrease amount to trigger activating optimizations from "
        "grid point.",
    energy_upper_limit: Optional[float] = Field(
        description="The threshold if the energy of a grid point that is higher than the current global minimum, to "
        "start new optimizations, in unit of a.u. I.e. if energy_upper_limit = 0.05, current global "
        "minimum energy is -9.9 , then a new task starting with energy -9.8 will be skipped.",

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

_td_constr = constr(strip_whitespace=True, regex="torsiondrive")
_qcfractal_constr = constr(strip_whitespace=True, regex="qcfractal")

[docs]class TorsionDriveInput(ProtoModel): """ A TorsionDriveRecord Input base class """ program: _td_constr = Field( "torsiondrive", description="The name of the program. Fixed to 'torsiondrive' since this input model is only valid for it.", ) procedure: _td_constr = Field( "torsiondrive", description="The name of the Procedure. Fixed to 'torsiondrive' since this input model is only valid for it.", ) initial_molecule: List[Union[ObjectId, Molecule]] = Field( ..., description="The Molecule(s) to begin the TorsionDrive with. This can either be an existing Molecule in " "the database (through its :class:`ObjectId`) or a fully specified :class:`Molecule` model.", ) keywords: TDKeywords = Field( ..., description="TorsionDrive-specific input arguments to pass into the TorsionDrive Procedure" ) optimization_spec: OptimizationSpecification = Field( ..., description="The settings which describe how to conduct the energy optimizations at each step of the torsion " "scan.", ) qc_spec: QCSpecification = Field( ..., description="The settings which describe the individual quantum chemistry calculations at each step of the " "optimization.", ) @validator("initial_molecule", pre=True) def check_initial_molecules(cls, v): if isinstance(v, (str, dict, Molecule)): v = [v] return v
[docs]class TorsionDriveRecord(RecordBase): """ A interface to the raw JSON data of a TorsionDriveRecord torsion scan run. """ # Class data _hash_indices = {"initial_molecule", "keywords", "optimization_spec", "qc_spec"} # Version data version: int = Field(1, description="The version number of the Record.") procedure: _td_constr = Field( "torsiondrive", description="The name of the procedure. Fixed to 'torsiondrive' since this is the Record explicit to " "TorsionDrive.", ) program: _td_constr = Field( "torsiondrive", description="The name of the program. Fixed to 'torsiondrive' since this is the Record explicit to " "TorsionDrive.", ) # Input data initial_molecule: List[ObjectId] = Field(..., description="Id(s) of the initial molecule(s) in the database.") keywords: TDKeywords = Field(..., description="The TorsionDrive-specific input arguments used for this operation.") optimization_spec: OptimizationSpecification = Field( ..., description="The settings which describe how the energy optimizations at each step of the torsion " "scan used for this operation.", ) qc_spec: QCSpecification = Field( ..., description="The settings which describe how the individual quantum chemistry calculations are handled for " "this operation.", ) # Output data final_energy_dict: Dict[str, float] = Field( ..., description="The final energy at each angle of the TorsionDrive scan." ) optimization_history: Dict[str, List[ObjectId]] = Field( ..., description="The map of each angle of the TorsionDrive scan to each optimization computations. " "Each value of the dict maps to a sequence of :class:`ObjectId` strings which each " "point to a single computation in the Database.", ) minimum_positions: Dict[str, int] = Field( # TODO: This could use review ..., description="A map of each TorsionDrive angle to the integer index of that angle's optimization " "trajectory which has the minimum-energy of the trajectory.", ) class Config(RecordBase.Config): pass ## Utility def _serialize_key(self, key): if isinstance(key, str): return key elif isinstance(key, (int, float)): key = (int(key),) return json.dumps(key) def _deserialize_key(self, key: str) -> Tuple[int, ...]: return tuple(json.loads(key)) def _organize_return( self, data: Dict[str, Any], key: Union[int, str, None], minimum: bool = False ) -> Dict[str, Any]: if key is None: return {self._deserialize_key(k): copy.deepcopy(v) for k, v in data.items()} key = self._serialize_key(key) if minimum: minpos = self.minimum_positions[self._serialize_key(key)] return copy.deepcopy(data[key][minpos]) else: return copy.deepcopy(data[key]) def detailed_status(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: # Compute the total number of grid points tpoints = 1 for x in self.keywords.grid_spacing: tpoints *= int(360 / x) flat_history = [x for v in self.get_history().values() for x in v] ret = { "status": self.status.value, "total_points": tpoints, "computed_points": len(self.optimization_history), "complete_tasks": sum(x.status == "COMPLETE" for x in flat_history), "incomplete_tasks": sum((x.status == "INCOMPLETE") or (x.status == "RUNNING") for x in flat_history), "error_tasks": sum(x.status == "ERROR" for x in flat_history), } ret["current_tasks"] = ret["error_tasks"] + ret["incomplete_tasks"] ret["percent_complete"] = ret["computed_points"] / ret["total_points"] * 100 ret["errors"] = [x for x in flat_history if x.status == "ERROR"] return ret ## Query def get_history( self, key: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...], str] = None, minimum: bool = False ) -> Dict[str, List["ResultRecord"]]: """Queries the server for all optimization trajectories. Parameters ---------- key : Union[int, Tuple[int, ...], str], optional Specifies a single entry to pull from. minimum : bool, optional If true only returns the minimum optimization, otherwise returns all trajectories. Returns ------- Dict[str, List['ResultRecord']] The optimization history """ if "history" not in self.cache: # Grab procedures needed_ids = [x for v in self.optimization_history.values() for x in v] objects = [] for i in range(0, len(needed_ids), self.client.query_limit): objects.extend(self.client.query_procedures(id=needed_ids[i : i + self.client.query_limit])) procedures = { v for v in objects} # Move procedures into the correct order ret = {} for okey, hashes in self.optimization_history.items(): tmp = [] for h in hashes: tmp.append(procedures[h]) ret[okey] = tmp self.cache["history"] = ret data = self.cache["history"] return self._organize_return(data, key, minimum=minimum) def get_final_energies(self, key: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...], str] = None) -> Dict[str, float]: """ Provides the final optimized energies at each grid point. Parameters ---------- key : Union[int, Tuple[int, ...], str], optional Specifies a single entry to pull from. Returns ------- energy : Dict[str, float] Returns energies at each grid point in a dictionary or at a single point if a key is specified. Examples -------- >>> torsiondrive_obj.get_final_energies() {(-90,): -148.7641654446243, (180,): -148.76501336993732, (0,): -148.75056290106735, (90,): -148.7641654446148} """ return self._organize_return(self.final_energy_dict, key) def get_final_molecules(self, key: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...], str] = None) -> Dict[str, "Molecule"]: """Returns the optimized molecules at each grid point Parameters ---------- key : Union[int, Tuple[int, ...], str], optional Specifies a single entry to pull from. Returns ------- final_molecules : Dict[str, 'Molecule'] Returns molecule at each grid point in a dictionary or at a single point if a key is specified. Examples -------- >>> mols = torsiondrive_obj.get_final_molecules() >>> type(mols[(-90, )]) qcelemental.models.molecule.Molecule >>> type(torsiondrive_obj.get_final_molecules((-90,))) qcelemental.models.molecule.Molecule """ if "final_molecules" not in self.cache: map_id_key = self._get_min_optimization_map() opt_ids = list(map_id_key.keys()) results = self.client.custom_query("optimization", "final_molecule", {"optimization_ids": opt_ids}) ret = {map_id_key[opt_id]: mol_record for opt_id, mol_record in results.items()} self.cache["final_molecules"] = ret data = self.cache["final_molecules"] return self._organize_return(data, key) def get_final_results(self, key: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...], str] = None) -> Dict[str, "ResultRecord"]: """Returns the final opt gradient result records at each grid point Parameters ---------- key : Union[int, Tuple[int, ...], str], optional Specifies a single entry to pull from. Returns ------- final_results : Dict[str, 'ResultRecord'] Returns ResultRecord at each grid point in a dictionary or at a single point if a key is specified. Examples -------- >>> mols = torsiondrive_obj.get_final_results() >>> type(mols[(-90, )]) qcfractal.interface.models.records.ResultRecord >>> type(torsiondrive_obj.get_final_results((-90,))) qcfractal.interface.models.records.ResultRecord """ if "final_results" not in self.cache: map_id_key = self._get_min_optimization_map() ret = {} # combine the ids into one query opt_ids = list(map_id_key.keys()) results = self.client.custom_query("optimization", "final_result", {"optimization_ids": opt_ids}) for opt_id, grad_result_record in results.items(): k = map_id_key[opt_id] ret[k] = grad_result_record self.cache["final_results"] = ret data = self.cache["final_results"] return self._organize_return(data, key) def visualize( self, relative: bool = True, units: str = "kcal / mol", digits: int = 3, use_measured_angle: bool = False, return_figure: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> "plotly.Figure": """ Parameters ---------- relative : bool, optional Shows relative energy, lowest energy per scan is zero. units : str, optional The units of the plot. digits : int, optional Rounds the energies to n decimal places for display. use_measured_angle : bool, optional If True, the measured final angle instead of the constrained optimization angle. Can provide more accurate results if the optimization was ill-behaved, but pulls additional data from the server and may take longer. return_figure : Optional[bool], optional If True, return the raw plotly figure. If False, returns a hosted iPlot. If None, return a iPlot display in Jupyter notebook and a raw plotly figure in all other circumstances. Returns ------- plotly.Figure The requested figure. """ # Pull energy dictionary apart min_energy = 1e12 x = [] y = [] for k, v in self.get_final_energies().items(): if len(k) >= 2: raise TypeError("TorsionDrive.visualize is currently only available for 1-D scans.") if use_measured_angle: # Recalculate the dihedral angle dihedral_indices = self.keywords.dihedrals[0] mol = self.get_final_molecules(k) x.append(mol.measure(dihedral_indices)) else: x.append(k[0]) y.append(v) # Update minimum energy if v < min_energy: min_energy = v x = np.array(x) y = np.array(y) # Sort by angle sorter = np.argsort(x) x = x[sorter] y = y[sorter] if relative: y -= min_energy cf = constants.conversion_factor("hartree", units) trace = {"mode": "lines+markers", "x": x, "y": np.around(y * cf, digits)} # "name": "something" title = "TorsionDrive 1-D Plot" if relative: ylabel = f"Relative Energy [{units}]" else: ylabel = f"Absolute Energy [{units}]" custom_layout = { "title": title, "yaxis": {"title": ylabel, "zeroline": True}, "xaxis": {"title": "Dihedral Angle [degrees]", "zeroline": False, "range": [x.min() - 10, x.max() + 10]}, } return scatter_plot([trace], custom_layout=custom_layout, return_figure=return_figure) def _get_min_optimization_map(self): map_id_key = {} for k, tasks in self.optimization_history.items(): k = self._serialize_key(k) minpos = self.minimum_positions[k] final_opt_id = tasks[minpos] map_id_key[final_opt_id] = k return map_id_key