Query Iterators =============== Query functions typically return objects that behave like `iterators `_. These objects do not allow for direct access to individual items (like ``iter[0]``), but do allow for looping through them. The reason for returning an iterator rather than a list is that an iterator will handle batching to the server. Since a query can return many items, they must be retrieved in batches. The iterator does this automatically, but does so incrementally as iteration continues. .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: PYTHON .. code-block:: py3 >>> query_it = client.query_molecules(molecular_formula='N2') >>> for mol in query_it: ... print(mol.id, mol.identifiers.molecular_formula) 371 N2 372 N2 If you need all items as a list, then you can use the ``list`` constructor, which will use the iterator to fill in the list. In this case, all the records will be fetched from the server as the list is being created. .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: PYTHON .. code-block:: py3 >>> query_it = client.query_molecules(molecular_formula='N2') >>> mols = list(query_it) >>> print(len(mols)) 621 Iterators API ------------- * :class:`qcportal.molecules.models.MoleculeQueryIterator` * :class:`qcportal.record_models.RecordQueryIterator`