Manybody calculations ===================================== Manybody calculations aim to compute interaction energies and to extrapolate total system energies and properties by computing the energies/properties on collections of fragments that compose a larger system. For more details about manybody calculations in general, see blah. Manybody computations in QCArchive are implemented as a :ref:`glossary_service` and computed using the `QCManyBody `_ package. The individual calculations themselves can be run from any of the QM packages available in QCArchive. See also `the QCManybody article `_ .. note:: The "initial molecules" for the manybody calculations must contain more than one fragment. It's these fragments that are used to construct the clusters for the manybody calculations. .. _manybody_record: Manybody Record ------------------- The :class:`~qcportal.manybody.record_models.ManybodyRecord` object contains all the fields of the :doc:`base record class `, but also contains manybody-specific fields: - ``initial_molecule`` - The initial (fragmented molecule) that the manybody calculation was run on - ``specification`` - The level of theory and other options for running the calculation (see below) - ``clusters`` - List of :class:`~qcportal.manybody.record_models.ManybodyCluster` objects that represent the individual (child) calculations (that is, the calculations run on all the monomers, dimers, etc). The :class:`~qcportal.manybody.record_models.ManybodyCluster` objects contain: - ``molecule_id`` and ``molecule`` - the actual molecule this child calculation used. This molecule is a subset of the fragments of the input molecule. - ``fragments`` - Indices of the fragments this molecule/calculation represents - ``basis`` - The fragment basis used in this molecule. The molecule may contain ghost atoms for some centers to deal with basis-set superposition error, and the ghosted fragments represent additions to the basis. For example, ``fragments=[4]`` and ``basis=[4,8]`` means the calculation is run on fragment 4, but includes basis sets from both fragments 4 and 8. Note that this is fragments, not atom indices. - ``mc_level`` - Label of the model chemistry (ie, 'psi4/b3lyp/6-31g*'). This is automatically generated by QCArchive. - ``singlepoint_id`` and ``singlepoint_record`` - The :ref:`singlepoint record ` of the calculation. The full calculated results of the manybody calculation itself are stored in the `properties` field of the record. .. _manybody_specification: Manybody Specification ------------------------------------------- The :ref:`glossary_specification` for a manybody record is a :class:`~qcportal.manybody.record_models.ManybodySpecification`. The fields of that are: - ``program`` - Program to run the manybody calculation itself. Only value available right now is ``qcmanybody`` - ``levels`` - Dictionary of the different singlpoint specifications for different levels of the expansion (see below) - ``bsse_correction`` - Correction for the basis set superposition error. This is a list that can contain multiple values, enabling calculating with different levels of correction simulataneously. Values are: - ``nocp`` for no correction - ``cp`` for counterpoise correction - ``vmfc`` for Valiron-Mayer Function Counterpoise - ``keywords`` - Additional keywords for running the calculation. Currently, one keyword is supported: - `return_total_data` - Computes/Returns the total energy/gradient, etc, of the system. If false, only the interaction energy is returned. Default is false. - ``protocols`` - Additional keywords controlling the return of information. This is reserved for future use. The ``levels`` parameter is a dictionary of levels of expansion to a specification describing how that level should be computed. The keys are integers representing the level (1 = monomers, 2 = dimers, etc) and the value is a :ref:`singlepoint specification/qc specification `. A string "supersystem" key can be used for the supersystem calculation. .. dropdown:: Compute the interaction energy of dimers using one level of theory .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: PYTHON .. code-block:: py3 from qcportal.manybody import ManybodySpecification ManybodySpecification( program="qcmanybody", bsse_correction=["nocp"], levels={ 1: QCSpecification( program="psi4", driver="energy", method="b3lyp", basis="6-31G*", ), 2: QCSpecification( program="psi4", driver="energy", method="b3lyp", basis="6-31G*", ), }, ) .. dropdown:: Interaction energy as above, but adding CP correction .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: PYTHON .. code-block:: py3 from qcportal.manybody import ManybodySpecification ManybodySpecification( program="qcmanybody", bsse_correction=["nocp", "cp"], levels={ 1: QCSpecification( program="psi4", driver="energy", method="b3lyp", basis="6-31G*", ), 2: QCSpecification( program="psi4", driver="energy", method="b3lyp", basis="6-31G*", ), }, ) .. dropdown:: Include total energy for a 4-fragment system .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: PYTHON .. code-block:: py3 from qcportal.manybody import ManybodySpecification ManybodySpecification( program="qcmanybody", bsse_correction=["cp"], levels={ 1: QCSpecification( program="psi4", driver="energy", method="b3lyp", basis="6-31G*", ), 2: QCSpecification( program="psi4", driver="energy", method="b3lyp", basis="6-31G*", ), }, keywords={'return_total_data': True} ) .. dropdown:: Using different levels of theory .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: PYTHON .. code-block:: py3 from qcportal.manybody import ManybodySpecification ManybodySpecification( program="qcmanybody", bsse_correction=["nocp", "cp"], levels={ 1: QCSpecification( program="psi4", driver="energy", method="ccsd", basis="cc-pvqz", ), 2: QCSpecification( program="psi4", driver="energy", method="ccsd", basis="cc-pvtz", ), 3: QCSpecification( program="psi4", driver="energy", method="ccsd", basis="cc-pvdz", ), } ) .. _manybody_submission: Submitting Records ------------------ Manybody records can be submitted using a client via the :meth:`~qcportal.client.PortalClient.add_manybodys` method. This method takes the following information: - ``initial_molecules`` - A single molecule or list of molecules to compute - ``program`` - Always ``qcmanybody`` - ``levels``, ``bsse_correction``, ``keywords`` - Same as in the :ref:`specification ` above See :doc:`../record_submission` for more information about other fields. .. _manybody_dataset: Manybody Dataset -------------------- Manybody :ref:`datasets ` are collections of manybody records. :class:`Entries ` contain the initial (fragmented) molecule. The :class:`dataset specifications ` contain a manybody specification (see :ref:`above `) .. _manybody_client_examples: Client Examples --------------- When creating the ``levels`` member of the specification or to be passed into the :meth:`~qcportal.client.PortalClient.add_manybodys` client function, it is often easiest to define the specification separately and use the resulting object as values in the ``levels`` dictionary. .. dropdown:: Obtain a single record by ID .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: PYTHON .. code-block:: py3 r = client.get_manybodys(123) .. dropdown:: Obtain multiple records by ID .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: PYTHON .. code-block:: py3 r_lst = client.get_manybodys([123, 456]) .. dropdown:: Obtain multiple records by ID, ignoring missing records .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: PYTHON .. code-block:: py3 r_lst = client.get_manybodys([123, 456, 789], missing_ok=True) .. dropdown:: Include all data for a record during initial fetch .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: PYTHON .. code-block:: py3 r_lst = client.get_manybodys([123, 456], include=['**']) .. dropdown:: Query manybody records by program, method, basis .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: PYTHON .. code-block:: py3 # NOTE - we are querying by the program actually used in the singlepoint calculations here # not the overarching manybody program r_iter = client.query_manybodys(qc_program='psi4', qc_method='b3lyp', qc_basis='def2-svp') for r in r_iter: print( .. dropdown:: Query manybody records by program and when the record was created, include all data .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: PYTHON .. code-block:: py3 # NOTE - we are querying by the program actually used in the singlepoint calculations here # not the overarching manybody program r_iter = client.query_manybodys(program='psi4', created_after='2024-03-21 12:34:56', include=['**']) limit=50) for r in r_iter: print( .. dropdown:: Create some fragmented molecules .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: PYTHON .. code-block:: py3 water_dimer = Molecule(symbols=['O', 'H', 'H', 'O', 'H', 'H'], geometry=[2.81211079, 0.1255717, 0.0, 3.48216662, -1.5543998, 0.0, 1.00578203, -0.1092573, 0.0, -2.68215279, -0.12325075, 0.0, -3.27523823, 0.81341093, 1.43347254, -3.27523823, 0.81341093, -1.43347254], fragments=[[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]], ) water_stacked = Molecule(symbols=['O', 'H', 'H', 'O', 'H', 'H', 'O', 'H', 'H', 'O', 'H', 'H'], geometry=[2.81211079, 0.1255717, 0.0, 3.48216662, -1.5543998, 0.0, 1.00578203, -0.1092573, 0.0, 2.81211079, 0.1255717, 4.0, 3.48216662, -1.5543998, 4.0, 1.00578203, -0.1092573, 4.0, 2.81211079, 0.1255717, 8.0, 3.48216662, -1.5543998, 8.0, 1.00578203, -0.1092573, 8.0, 2.81211079, 0.1255717, 12.0, 3.48216662, -1.5543998, 12.0, 1.00578203, -0.1092573, 12.0 ], fragments=[[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11]], ) .. dropdown:: Add a manybody record - compute the interaction energy of a dimer, no BSSE correction .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: PYTHON .. code-block:: py3 qc_spec = QCSpecification( program="psi4", driver="energy", method="b3lyp", basis="6-31G*", ) meta, ids = client.add_manybodys([water_dimer], program='qcmanybody', levels={ 1: qc_spec, 2: qc_spec, }, bsse_correction=['nocp'], keywords={} ) .. dropdown:: Add a manybody record - compute the interaction energy of a dimer, CP-corrected .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: PYTHON .. code-block:: py3 qc_spec = QCSpecification( program="psi4", driver="energy", method="b3lyp", basis="6-31G*", ) meta, ids = client.add_manybodys([water_dimer], program='qcmanybody', levels={ 1: qc_spec, 2: qc_spec, }, bsse_correction=['cp'], keywords={} ) .. dropdown:: Add a manybody record - using different levels of theory .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: PYTHON .. code-block:: py3 qc_spec_1 = QCSpecification( program="psi4", driver="energy", method="b3lyp", basis="def2-tzvp", ) qc_spec_2 = QCSpecification( program="psi4", driver="energy", method="b3lyp", basis="def2-svp", ) meta, ids = client.add_manybodys([water_dimer], program='qcmanybody', levels={ 1: qc_spec_1, 2: qc_spec_2, }, bsse_correction=['nocp'], keywords={} ) .. _manybody_dataset_examples: Dataset Examples ---------------- .. dropdown:: Create a manybody dataset with default options .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: PYTHON .. code-block:: py3 ds = client.add_dataset( "manybody", "Dataset Name", "An example of a manybody dataset" ) .. dropdown:: Add a single entry to a manybody dataset .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: PYTHON .. code-block:: py3 water_dimer = Molecule(symbols=['O', 'H', 'H', 'O', 'H', 'H'], geometry=[2.81211079, 0.1255717, 0.0, 3.48216662, -1.5543998, 0.0, 1.00578203, -0.1092573, 0.0, -2.68215279, -0.12325075, 0.0, -3.27523823, 0.81341093, 1.43347254, -3.27523823, 0.81341093, -1.43347254], fragments=[[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]], ) ds.add_entry("water_dimer", water_dimer) .. dropdown:: Add many entries to a manybody dataset .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: PYTHON .. code-block:: py3 from qcportal.manybody import ManybodyDatasetEntry # Construct a list of entries to add somehow ent_1 = ManybodyDatasetEntry(name="water_dimer", initial_molecule=water_dimer) ent_2 = ManybodyDatasetEntry(name="water_stacked", initial_molecule=water_stacked) new_entries = [ent_1, ent_2] # Efficiently add all entries in a single call ds.add_entries(new_entries) .. dropdown:: Add a specification to a manybody dataset .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: PYTHON .. code-block:: py3 from qcportal.manybody import ManybodySpecification spec = ManybodySpecification( program="qcmanybody", bsse_correction=["nocp", "cp"], levels={ 1: QCSpecification( program="psi4", driver="energy", method="ccsd", basis="cc-pvqz", ), 2: QCSpecification( program="psi4", driver="energy", method="ccsd", basis="cc-pvtz", ), 3: QCSpecification( program="psi4", driver="energy", method="ccsd", basis="cc-pvdz", ), } ) ds.add_specification("psi4/ccsd/multi", spec) .. _manybody_api_links: Manybody QCPortal API ------------------------ * :mod:`Record models ` * :mod:`Dataset models ` * PortalClient methods * :meth:`~qcportal.client.PortalClient.add_manybodys` * :meth:`~qcportal.client.PortalClient.get_manybodys` * :meth:`~qcportal.client.PortalClient.query_manybodys`