Setup Overview

QCFractal comprises two components:

  1. The Server (qcfractal-server), which accepts compute and data queries and maintains a database of tasks and results. The Server should be run continuously on a persistent machine.

  2. One or more Managers (qcfractal-manager). The Managers pull work from the Server, use attached compute resources to complete the work, and report results back to the server. Managers may be turned off and on at any time. Managers connect to compute resources through Adapters.

In the Quickstart Tutorial, the above components were combined within a python environment using FractalSnowflake. In general, the Server and Manager(s) are run separately in different processes, often on different machines. For detailed information about the relationship between Server and Manager, see Fractal Queue Managers.

Common Use Cases

The table below lists some common use cases for QCFractal:

Use case

qcfractal-server location

qcfractal-manager location

Recommended manager





Single Workstation




Private Cluster

Head node

Head node


Shared Cluster/Supercomputer

Personal server, head node (if permitted)

Head node


Multiple Clusters

Personal server

Head node of each cluster


Cloud Compute

Personal server or cloud instance

Docker container


QCFractal is highly adaptable and is not limited to the above use cases. For example, it possible to mix local, cluster, supercomputer, and cloud Managers simultaneously. In addition, a cloud instance may provide a good option for running qcfractal-server when a persistent web-exposed server is not otherwise available.

Quickstart Setups

This section presents quickstart setup guides for the above common use cases. The guides assume that QCFractal has been installed (see Install QCFractal). General guides are also available:

Single Workstation

This quickstart guide addresses QCFractal setup on a single computer which will be used for the Server, Manager, user client, and compute. On the workstation, initialize the Server:

qcfractal-server init

Next, start the Server and ProcessPoolExecutor Manager:

nohup qcfractal-server start --local-manager 1 &

The second command starts qcfractal-server in the background. It also starts one Worker which will pull tasks from the Server and run them.

Test if everything is setup by running a Hartree-Fock calculation on a single hydrogen molecule, as in the Example (note this requires psi4):


>>> import qcfractal.interface as ptl

# Note that server TLS verification is turned off (verify=False) since all components are run locally.
>>> client = ptl.FractalClient(address="localhost:7777", verify=False)
>>> mol = ptl.Molecule(symbols=["H", "H"], geometry=[0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0])
>>> mol_id = client.add_molecules([mol])[0]
>>> r = client.add_compute("psi4", "HF", "STO-3G", "energy", None, [mol_id])

# Wait a minute for the job to complete
>>> proc = client.query_procedures(id=r.ids)[0]
>>> print(proc)
<ResultRecord(id='0' status='COMPLETE')>
>>> print(

Private Cluster

This quickstart guide addresses QCFractal setup on a private cluster comprising a head node and compute nodes, with a Scheduler such as SLURM, PBS, or Torque. This guide requires Parsl which may be installed with pip or conda.

Begin by initializing the Server on the cluster head node:

qcfractal-server init

Next, start the Server in the background:

nohup qcfractal-server start &

The Manager must be configured before use. Create a configuration file (e.g. in ~/.qca/qcfractal/my_manager.yaml) based on the following template:

 adapter: parsl
 tasks_per_worker: 1
 cores_per_worker: 6
 memory_per_worker: 64
 max_workers: 5
 scratch_directory: "$TMPDIR"

 node_exclusivity: True
 scheduler: slurm

  partition: CLUSTER
  cmd_timeout: 30

You may need to modify these values to match the particulars of your cluster. In particular:

  • The scheduler and partition options should be set to match the details of your Scheduler (e.g. SLURM, PBS, Torque).

  • Options related to Workers should be set appropriately for the compute node on your cluster. Note that Parsl requires that full nodes be allocated to each Worker (i.e. node_exclusivity: True).

For more information on Manager configuration, see Fractal Queue Managers and Queue Manager Example YAML Files.

Finally, start the Manager in the background on the cluster head node:

nohup qcfractal-manager --config-file <path to config YAML> --verify=False &

Note that TLS certificate verification is disabled (--verify=False) because the Manager and Server are both run on the head node.

Test if everything is setup by running a Hartree-Fock calculation on a single hydrogen molecule, as in the Example (note this requires psi4):


>>> import qcfractal.interface as ptl

# Note that server TLS verification is turned off (verify=False) since all components are run locally.
>>> client = ptl.FractalClient(address="localhost:7777", verify=False)
>>> mol = ptl.Molecule(symbols=["H", "H"], geometry=[0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0])
>>> mol_id = client.add_molecules([mol])[0]
>>> r = client.add_compute("psi4", "HF", "STO-3G", "energy", None, [mol_id])

# Wait a minute for the job to complete
>>> proc = client.query_procedures(id=r.ids)[0]
>>> print(proc)
<ResultRecord(id='0' status='COMPLETE')>
>>> print(

Shared Clusters, Supercomputers, and Multiple Clusters

This quickstart guide addresses QCFractal setup on one or more shared cluster(s). The Server should be set up on a persistent server for which you have permission to expose ports. For example, this may be a dedicated webserver, the head node of a private cluster, or a cloud instance. The Manager should be set up on each shared cluster. In most cases, the Manager may be run on the head node; contact your system administrator if you are unsure. This guide requires Parsl to be installed for the Manager. It may be installed with pip or conda.

Begin by initializing the Server on your persistent server:

qcfractal-server init

The QCFractal server receives connections from Managers and clients on TCP port 7777. You may optionally specify the --port option to choose a custom port. You may need to configure your firewall to allow access to this port.

Because the Server will be exposed to the internet, security should be enabled to control access. Enable security by changing the YAML file (default: ~/.qca/qcfractal/qcfractal_config.yaml) option to local:

- security: null
+ security: local

Start the Server:

nohup qcfractal-server start &


You may optionally provide a TLS certificate to enable host verification for the Server using the --tls-cert and --tls-key options. If a TLS certificate is not provided, communications with the server will still be encrypted, but host verification will be unavailable (and Managers and clients will need to specify verify=False).

Next, add users for admin, the Manager, and a user (you may choose whatever usernames you like):

qcfractal-server user add admin --permissions admin
qcfractal-server user add manager --permissions queue
qcfractal-server user add user --permissions read write compute

Passwords will be automatically generated and printed. You may instead specify a password with the --password option. See Fractal Server User for more information.

Managers should be set up on each shared cluster. In most cases, the Manager may be run on the head node; contact your system administrator if you are unsure.

The Manager must be configured before use. Create a configuration file (e.g. in ~/.qca/qcfractal/my_manager.yaml) based on the following template:

 adapter: parsl
 tasks_per_worker: 1
 cores_per_worker: 6
 memory_per_worker: 64
 max_workers: 5
 scratch_directory: "$TMPDIR"

 node_exclusivity: True
 scheduler: slurm

  partition: CLUSTER
  cmd_timeout: 30

You may need to modify these values to match the particulars of each cluster. In particular:

  • The scheduler and partition options should be set to match the details of your Scheduler (e.g. SLURM, PBS, Torque).

  • Options related to Workers should be set appropriately for the compute node on your cluster. Note that Parsl requires that full nodes be allocated to each Worker (i.e. node_exclusivity: True).

For more information on Manager configuration, see Fractal Queue Managers and Queue Manager Example YAML Files.

Finally, start the Manager in the background on each cluster head node:

nohup qcfractal-manager --config-file <path to config YAML> --fractal-uri <URL:port of Server> --username manager -password <password> &

If you did not specify a TLS certificate in the qcfractal-server start step, you will additionally need to specify --verify False in the above command.

Test if everything is setup by running a Hartree-Fock calculation on a single hydrogen molecule, as in the Example (note this requires psi4 to be installed on at least one compute resource). This test may be run from any machine.


>>> import qcfractal.interface as ptl

# Note that server TLS verification may need to be turned off if (verify=False).
# Note that the Server URL and the password for user will need to be filled in.
>>> client = ptl.FractalClient(address="URL:Port", username="user", password="***")
>>> mol = ptl.Molecule(symbols=["H", "H"], geometry=[0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0])
>>> mol_id = client.add_molecules([mol])[0]
>>> r = client.add_compute("psi4", "HF", "STO-3G", "energy", None, [mol_id])

# Wait a minute for the job to complete
>>> proc = client.query_procedures(id=r.ids)[0]
>>> print(proc)
<ResultRecord(id='0' status='COMPLETE')>
>>> print(

Cloud Compute

This quickstart guide addresses QCFractal setup using cloud resources for computation. The Server should be set up on a persistent server for which you have permission to expose ports. For example, this may be a dedicated webserver, the head node of a private cluster, or a cloud instance. The Manager will be set up on a Kubernetes cluster as a Deployment.

Begin by initializing the Server on your persistent server:

qcfractal-server init

The QCFractal server receives connections from Managers and clients on TCP port 7777. You may optionally specify the --port option to choose a custom port. You may need to configure your firewall to allow access to this port.

Because the Server will be exposed to the internet, security should be enabled to control access. Enable security by changing the YAML file (default: ~/.qca/qcfractal/qcfractal_config.yaml) option to local:

- security: null
+ security: local

Start the Server:

nohup qcfractal-server start &


You may optionally provide a TLS certificate to enable host verification for the Server using the --tls-cert and --tls-key options. If a TLS certificate is not provided, communications with the server will still be encrypted, but host verification will be unavailable (and Managers and clients will need to specify verify=False).

Next, add users for admin, the Manager, and a user (you may choose whatever usernames you like):

qcfractal-server user add admin --permissions admin
qcfractal-server user add manager --permissions queue
qcfractal-server user add user --permissions read write compute

Passwords will be automatically generated and printed. You may instead specify a password with the --password option. See Fractal Server User for more information.

The Manager will be set up on a Kubernetes cluster as a Deployment, running Docker images which each contain QCEngine, QCFractal, and relevant programs. In this guide, we use the molssi/qcarchive_worker_openff Docker image. For execution, this image includes:


You may wish to set up a custom Docker image for your specific use case. The Dockerfile corresponding to the molssi/qcarchive_worker_openff image is included below as an example.

FROM continuumio/miniconda3
RUN conda install -c psi4/label/dev -c conda-forge psi4 dftd3 mp2d qcengine qcfractal rdkit geometric
RUN groupadd -g 999 qcfractal && \
    useradd -m -r -u 999 -g qcfractal qcfractal
USER qcfractal
ENV PATH /opt/local/conda/envs/base/bin/:$PATH
ENTRYPOINT qcfractal-manager --config-file /etc/qcfractal-manager/manager.yaml

Create a manager configuration file (e.g. manager.yaml) following the template below.

 adapter: pool
 tasks_per_worker: 1
 cores_per_worker: 4  # CHANGEME number of cores/worker
 memory_per_worker: 16  # CHANGEME memory/worker in Gb
 max_workers: 1
 scratch_directory: "$TMPDIR"

 fractal_uri:  # CHANGEME URI of your server goes here
 username: manager
 password: foo  # CHANGEME manager password goes here
 verify: True  # False if TLS was skipped earlier

 manager_name: MyManager  # CHANGEME name your manager
 queue_tag: null
 log_file_prefix: null
 update_frequency: 30
 test: False

Add the manager configuration as a secret in Kubernetes:

kubectl create secret generic manager-config-yaml --from-file=manager.yaml

This allows us to pass the manager configuration into the Docker container securely.

Next, create a Kubernetes deployment configuration file (e.g. deployment.yaml) following the template below. The cpu and memory fields of the deployment configuration should match the cores_per_worker and memory_per_worker fields of the manager configuration. In this setup, replicas determines the number of workers; the max_workers and tasks_per_worker fields in the manager configuration should be set to 1.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: qcfractal-manager
    k8s-app: qcfractal-manager
  replicas: 4  # CHANGEME: number of images here
      k8s-app: qcfractal-manager
        k8s-app: qcfractal-manager
      - image: molssi/qcarchive_worker_openff  # you may wish to specify your own Docker image here
        name: qcfractal-manager-pod
            cpu: 4  # CHANGEME number of cores/worker
            memory: 16Gi  # CHANGEME memory/worker
          - name: manager-config-secret
            mountPath: "/etc/qcfractal-manager"
            readOnly: true
        - name: manager-config-secret
            secretName: manager-config-yaml

Start the deployment:

kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml


You can view the status of your deployment with:

kubectl get deployments

You can view the status of individual “Pods” (Docker containers) with:

kubectl get pods --show-labels

To get the output of invidual Managers:

kubectl logs <pod name>

To get Kubernetes metadata and status information about a Pod:

kubectl describe pod <pod name>

See the Kubernetes Deployment documentation for more information.

Test if everything is setup by running a Hartree-Fock calculation on a single hydrogen molecule, as in the Example (note this requires psi4 to be installed on at least one compute resource). This test may be run from any machine.


>>> import qcfractal.interface as ptl

# Note that server TLS verification may need to be turned off if (verify=False).
# Note that the Server URL and the password for user will need to be filled in.
>>> client = ptl.FractalClient(address="URL:Port", username="user", password="***")
>>> mol = ptl.Molecule(symbols=["H", "H"], geometry=[0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0])
>>> mol_id = client.add_molecules([mol])[0]
>>> r = client.add_compute("psi4", "HF", "STO-3G", "energy", None, [mol_id])

# Wait a minute for the job to complete
>>> proc = client.query_procedures(id=r.ids)[0]
>>> print(proc)
<ResultRecord(id='0' status='COMPLETE')>
>>> print(

Other Use Cases

QCFractal is highly configurable and supports many use cases beyond those described here. For more information, see the Server and Manager documentation sections. You may also contact us.