
Query Example

This notebook will cover example usage of Optimization record. As a note we will be using the MolSSI QCArchive server as a data source. Any ids used in this example will not be valid for local servers.

import qcfractal.interface as ptl
client = ptl.FractalClient()


  • Server:   The MolSSI QCArchive Server
  • Address:   https://api.qcarchive.molssi.org:443/
  • Username:   None

We can query results from the database based off a variety of values, but for this example we will query a known result from the database.

record = client.query_procedures(id=1683293)[0]
<OptimizationRecord(id='1683293' status='COMPLETE')>

There are a variety of helper functions on this object to find quantities related to the computation.


You appear to be running in JupyterLab (or JavaScript failed to load for some other reason). You need to install the 3dmol extension:
jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol

<Molecule(name='C14H14O' formula='C14H14O' hash='2594158')>

We can also observe the program, method, and basis for which the optimization was executed under.

{'driver': <DriverEnum.gradient: 'gradient'>,
 'method': 'b3lyp-d3(bj)',
 'basis': 'dzvp',
 'keywords': None,
 'program': 'psi4'}

We can also find all keywords passed into the geometry optimization. Here we see that this geometry optimization was evaluated under a dihedral constraint.

{'coordsys': 'tric',
 'enforce': 0.1,
 'reset': True,
 'qccnv': True,
 'epsilon': 0,
 'constraints': {'set': [{'type': 'dihedral',
    'indices': [9, 10, 13, 14],
    'value': 30}]},
 'program': 'psi4'}

Finally, every Result generated in the computational trajectory can be queried and observed. Here we will obtain the very last computed Result.

<ResultRecord(id='1467860' status='COMPLETE')>

Compute Example

Computation of a result can be accomplished by specifying all parameters to a quantum chemistry computation and a molecule. An example can be seen below using a FractalSnowflake instance.

from qcfractal import FractalSnowflakeHandler
snowflake = FractalSnowflakeHandler()
client = snowflake.client()


  • Server:   FractalSnowFlake_db_f1c89
  • Address:   https://localhost:57605/
  • Username:   None
methane = ptl.Molecule.from_data("pubchem:methane")
        Searching PubChem database for methane (single best match returned)
        Found 1 result(s)

You appear to be running in JupyterLab (or JavaScript failed to load for some other reason). You need to install the 3dmol extension:
jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol

<Molecule(name='IUPAC methane' formula='CH4' hash='b4057dd')>

To run a optimization on this methane molecule we need to specify the full input as shown below. It should be noted that this function is also organized in such a way where the optimization of many molecules with the same level of theory is most efficient.

options = {
    "keywords": {'coordsys': 'tric'}, # Geometry optimization program options
    "qc_spec": {                      # Quantum chemistry specifications
        "driver": "gradient",
        "method": "HF",
        "basis": "sto-3g",
        "keywords": None,
        "program": "psi4"
compute = client.add_procedure("optimization", "geometric", options, [methane])
<ComputeResponse(nsubmitted=1 nexisting=0)>

The ids of the submitted optimization can then be queried and examined. As a note the computation is not instantaneous, you may need to wait a moment and requery for this small molecule.

result = client.query_procedures(id=compute.ids)[0]
<OptimizationRecord(id='1' status='COMPLETE')>
ch_bond_original = result.get_initial_molecule().measure([0, 1])
ch_bond_optimized = result.get_final_molecule().measure([0, 1])
print(f"Optimized/Original C-H bond {ch_bond_original}/{ch_bond_optimized} (bohr)")
Optimized/Original C-H bond 2.0639574742067777/2.0465935246983378 (bohr)
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