Source code for qcportal.record_models

from __future__ import annotations

import os
import sys
from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional, Dict, Any, List, Union, Iterable, Tuple, Type, Sequence, ClassVar, TypeVar

from dateutil.parser import parse as date_parser

    from pydantic.v1 import BaseModel, Extra, constr, validator, PrivateAttr, Field, parse_obj_as
except ImportError:
    from pydantic import BaseModel, Extra, constr, validator, PrivateAttr, Field, parse_obj_as
from qcelemental.models.results import Provenance

from qcportal.base_models import (

from qcportal.cache import RecordCache, get_records_with_cache
from qcportal.compression import CompressionEnum, decompress, get_compressed_ext

_T = TypeVar("_T")

[docs] class PriorityEnum(int, Enum): """ The priority of a Task. Higher priority will be pulled first. """ high = 2 normal = 1 low = 0 @classmethod def _missing_(cls, priority): """Attempts to find the correct priority in a case-insensitive way If a string being converted to a PriorityEnum is missing, then this function will convert the case and try to find the appropriate priority. """ if isinstance(priority, int): # An integer that is outside the range of valid priorities return priority = priority.lower() # Search this way rather than doing 'in' since we are comparing # a string to an enum for p in cls: if priority == return p
[docs] class RecordStatusEnum(str, Enum): """ The state of a record object. The states which are available are a finite set. """ # This ordering shouldn't change in the near future, as it conflicts # a bit with some migration testing complete = "complete" invalid = "invalid" running = "running" error = "error" waiting = "waiting" cancelled = "cancelled" deleted = "deleted" @classmethod def _missing_(cls, name): """Attempts to find the correct status in a case-insensitive way If a string being converted to a RecordStatusEnum is missing, then this function will convert the case and try to find the appropriate status. """ name = name.lower() # Search this way rather than doing 'in' since we are comparing # a string to an enum for status in cls: if name == status: return status
[docs] @classmethod def make_ordered_status(cls, statuses: Iterable[RecordStatusEnum]) -> List[RecordStatusEnum]: """Returns a list of the given statuses but in a defined order""" order = [cls.complete, cls.error, cls.running, cls.waiting, cls.cancelled, cls.invalid, cls.deleted] return sorted(statuses, key=lambda x: order.index(x))
[docs] class OutputTypeEnum(str, Enum): """ What type of data is stored """ stdout = "stdout" stderr = "stderr" error = "error"
[docs] class OutputStore(BaseModel): """ Storage of outputs and error messages, with optional compression """ class Config: extra = Extra.forbid output_type: OutputTypeEnum = Field(..., description="The type of output this is (stdout, error, etc)") compression_type: CompressionEnum = Field(CompressionEnum.none, description="Compression method (such as lzma)") data_: Optional[bytes] = Field(None, alias="data") _data_url: Optional[str] = PrivateAttr(None) _client: Any = PrivateAttr(None)
[docs] def propagate_client(self, client, history_base_url): self._client = client self._data_url = f"{history_base_url}/outputs/{self.output_type.value}/data"
def _fetch_raw_data(self): if self.data_ is not None: return if self._client is None: raise RuntimeError("No client to fetch output data from") cdata, ctype = self._client.make_request( "get", self._data_url, Tuple[bytes, CompressionEnum], ) assert self.compression_type == ctype self.data_ = cdata @property def data(self) -> Any: self._fetch_raw_data() return decompress(self.data_, self.compression_type)
[docs] class ComputeHistory(BaseModel): class Config: extra = Extra.forbid id: int record_id: int status: RecordStatusEnum manager_name: Optional[str] modified_on: datetime provenance: Optional[Provenance] outputs_: Optional[Dict[str, OutputStore]] = Field(None, alias="outputs") _client: Any = PrivateAttr(None) _base_url: Optional[str] = PrivateAttr(None)
[docs] def propagate_client(self, client, record_base_url): self._client = client self._base_url = f"{record_base_url}/compute_history/{}" if self.outputs_ is not None: for o in self.outputs_.values(): o.propagate_client(self._client, self._base_url)
[docs] def fetch_all(self): self._fetch_outputs()
def _fetch_outputs(self): if self._client is None: raise RuntimeError("This compute history is not connected to a client") self.outputs_ = self._client.make_request( "get", f"{self._base_url}/outputs", Dict[str, OutputStore], ) for o in self.outputs_.values(): o.propagate_client(self._client, self._base_url) o._fetch_raw_data() @property def outputs(self) -> Dict[str, OutputStore]: if self.outputs_ is None: self._fetch_outputs() return self.outputs_
[docs] def get_output(self, output_type: OutputTypeEnum) -> Any: if not self.outputs: return None o = self.outputs.get(output_type, None) if o is None: return None else: return
@property def stdout(self) -> Any: return self.get_output("stdout") @property def stderr(self) -> Any: return self.get_output("stderr") @property def error(self) -> Any: return self.get_output("error")
[docs] class NativeFile(BaseModel): """ Storage of native files, with compression """ class Config: extra = Extra.forbid name: str = Field(..., description="Name of the file") compression_type: CompressionEnum = Field(..., description="Compression method (such as lzma)") data_: Optional[bytes] = Field(None, alias="data") _data_url: Optional[str] = PrivateAttr(None) _client: Any = PrivateAttr(None)
[docs] def propagate_client(self, client, record_base_url): self._client = client self._data_url = f"{record_base_url}/native_files/{}/data"
[docs] def fetch_all(self): self._fetch_raw_data()
def _fetch_raw_data(self): if self.data_ is not None: return if self._client is None: raise RuntimeError("No client to fetch native file data from") cdata, ctype = self._client.make_request( "get", self._data_url, Tuple[bytes, CompressionEnum], ) assert self.compression_type == ctype self.data_ = cdata @property def data(self) -> Any: self._fetch_raw_data() return decompress(self.data_, self.compression_type)
[docs] def save_file( self, directory: str, new_name: Optional[str] = None, keep_compressed: bool = False, overwrite: bool = False ): """ Saves the file to the given directory """ if new_name is None: name = else: name = new_name if keep_compressed: name += get_compressed_ext(self.compression_type) full_path = os.path.join(directory, name) if os.path.exists(full_path) and not overwrite: raise RuntimeError(f"File {full_path} already exists. Not overwriting") if keep_compressed: with open(full_path, "wb") as f: f.write( else: d = # TODO - streaming decompression? if isinstance(d, str): with open(full_path, "wt") as f: f.write( elif isinstance(d, bytes): with open(full_path, "wb") as f: f.write( else: raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot write data of type {type(d)} to a file")
[docs] class RecordInfoBackup(BaseModel): class Config: extra = Extra.forbid old_status: RecordStatusEnum old_tag: Optional[str] old_priority: Optional[PriorityEnum] modified_on: datetime
[docs] class RecordComment(BaseModel): class Config: extra = Extra.forbid id: int record_id: int username: Optional[str] timestamp: datetime comment: str
[docs] class RecordTask(BaseModel): class Config: extra = Extra.forbid id: int record_id: int function: Optional[str] function_kwargs_compressed: Optional[bytes] tag: str priority: PriorityEnum required_programs: List[str] @property def function_kwargs(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: if self.function_kwargs_compressed is None: return None else: return decompress(self.function_kwargs_compressed, CompressionEnum.zstd)
[docs] class ServiceDependency(BaseModel): class Config: extra = Extra.forbid record_id: int extras: Dict[str, Any]
[docs] class RecordService(BaseModel): class Config: extra = Extra.forbid id: int record_id: int tag: str priority: PriorityEnum find_existing: bool service_state: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None dependencies: List[ServiceDependency]
[docs] class BaseRecord(BaseModel): class Config: extra = Extra.forbid allow_mutation = True validate_assignment = True id: int record_type: str is_service: bool properties: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] extras: Dict[str, Any] = Field({}) status: RecordStatusEnum manager_name: Optional[str] created_on: datetime modified_on: datetime owner_user: Optional[str] owner_group: Optional[str] ###################################################### # Fields not always included when fetching the record ###################################################### compute_history_: Optional[List[ComputeHistory]] = Field(None, alias="compute_history") task_: Optional[RecordTask] = Field(None, alias="task") service_: Optional[RecordService] = Field(None, alias="service") comments_: Optional[List[RecordComment]] = Field(None, alias="comments") native_files_: Optional[Dict[str, NativeFile]] = Field(None, alias="native_files") # Private non-pydantic fields _client: Any = PrivateAttr(None) _base_url: str = PrivateAttr(None) # A dictionary of all subclasses (calculation types) to actual class type _all_subclasses: ClassVar[Dict[str, Type[BaseRecord]]] = {} # Local record cache we can use for child records # This record may also be part of the cache _record_cache: Optional[RecordCache] = PrivateAttr(None) _cache_dirty: bool = PrivateAttr(False) def __init__(self, client=None, **kwargs): BaseModel.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Calls derived class propagate_client # which should filter down to the ones in this (BaseRecord) class self.propagate_client(client) assert self._client is client, "Client not set in base record class?" @validator("extras", pre=True) def _validate_extras(cls, v): # For backwards compatibility. Older servers may have 'None' as the extras if v is None: return {} return v def __init_subclass__(cls): """ Register derived classes for later use """ # Get the record type. This is kind of ugly, but works. # We could use ClassVar, but in my tests it doesn't work for # disambiguating (ie, via parse_obj_as) record_type = cls.__fields__["record_type"].default cls._all_subclasses[record_type] = cls def __del__(self): # Sometimes this won't exist if there is an exception during construction # TODO - we check sys.meta_path. Pydantic attempts an import of something, which is # not good if the interpreter is shutting down. This is a hack to avoid that. # Pydantic v2 may fix this if ( hasattr(self, "_record_cache") and self._record_cache is not None and not self._record_cache.read_only and self._cache_dirty and sys.meta_path is not None ): self.sync_to_cache(True) # Don't really *have* to detach, but why not s = super() if hasattr(s, "__del__"): s.__del__(self)
[docs] @classmethod def get_subclass(cls, record_type: str) -> Type[BaseRecord]: """ Obtain a subclass of this class given its record_type """ subcls = cls._all_subclasses.get(record_type) if subcls is None: raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot find subclass for record type {record_type}") return subcls
@classmethod def _fetch_children_multi( cls, client, record_cache, records: Iterable[BaseRecord], include: Iterable[str], force_fetch: bool = False ): """ Fetches all children of the given records recursively This tries to work efficiently, fetching larger batches of children that can span multiple records Meant to be overridden by derived classes """ pass
[docs] @classmethod def fetch_children_multi( cls, records: Iterable[Optional[BaseRecord]], include: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, force_fetch: bool = False ): """ Fetches all children of the given records This tries to work efficiently, fetching larger batches of children that can span multiple records """ # Remove any None records # can happen if missing_ok=True in some function calls records = [r for r in records if r is not None] if not records: return # Get the first record (for the client and other info) template_record = next(iter(records)) if not all(isinstance(r, type(template_record)) for r in records): raise RuntimeError("Fetching children of records with different types is not supported.") if not all(r._client is template_record._client for r in records): raise RuntimeError("Fetching children of records with different clients is not supported.") if not all(r._record_cache is template_record._record_cache for r in records): raise RuntimeError("Fetching children of records with different record caches is not supported.") # Call the derived class function if include is None: include = [] cls._fetch_children_multi( template_record._client, template_record._record_cache, records, include=include, force_fetch=force_fetch )
[docs] def fetch_children(self, include: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, force_fetch: bool = False): """ Fetches all children of this record recursively """ self.fetch_children_multi([self], include, force_fetch)
[docs] def sync_to_cache(self, detach: bool = False): """ Syncs this record to the cache If `detach` is True, then the record will be removed from the cache """ if self._record_cache is None: return if self._record_cache.read_only: return self._record_cache.writeback_record(self) self._cache_dirty = False if detach: self._record_cache = None
def __str__(self) -> str: return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} id={} status={self.status}>"
[docs] def propagate_client(self, client): """ Propagates a client and related information to this record to any fields within this record that need it This is expected to be called from derived class propagate_client functions as well """ self._client = client self._base_url = f"api/v1/records/{self.record_type}/{}" if self.compute_history_ is not None: for ch in self.compute_history_: ch.propagate_client(self._client, self._base_url) if self.native_files_ is not None: for nf in self.native_files_.values(): nf.propagate_client(self._client, self._base_url)
def _get_child_records( self, child_record_ids: Sequence[int], child_record_type: Type[_Record_T], include: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, ) -> List[_Record_T]: """ Helper function for obtaining child records either from the cache or from the server The records are returned in the same order as the `record_ids` parameter. If `include` is specified, additional fields will be fetched from the server. However, if the records are in the cache already, they may be missing those fields. """ return get_records_with_cache( self._client, self._record_cache, child_record_type, child_record_ids, include, force_fetch=False ) def _assert_online(self): """Raises an exception if this record does not have an associated client""" if self.offline: raise RuntimeError("Record is not connected to a client") def _fetch_compute_history(self): self._assert_online() self.compute_history_ = self._client.make_request( "get", f"{self._base_url}/compute_history", List[ComputeHistory] ) self.propagate_client(self._client) def _fetch_task(self): if self.is_service: self.task_ = None else: self.task_ = self._client.make_request("get", f"{self._base_url}/task", Optional[RecordTask]) def _fetch_service(self): if not self.is_service: self.service_ = None else: self.service_ = self._client.make_request("get", f"{self._base_url}/service", Optional[RecordService]) def _fetch_comments(self): self._assert_online() self.comments_ = self._client.make_request("get", f"{self._base_url}/comments", List[RecordComment]) def _fetch_native_files(self): self.native_files_ = self._client.make_request("get", f"{self._base_url}/native_files", Dict[str, NativeFile]) self.propagate_client(self._client) def _get_output(self, output_type: OutputTypeEnum) -> Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]]: history = self.compute_history if not history: return None return history[-1].get_output(output_type) @property def offline(self) -> bool: return self._client is None @property def children_status(self) -> Dict[RecordStatusEnum, int]: """Returns a dictionary of the status of all children of this record""" self._assert_online() return self._client.make_request( "get", f"{self._base_url}/children_status", Dict[RecordStatusEnum, int], ) @property def children_errors(self) -> List[BaseRecord]: """Returns errored child records""" self._assert_online() error_ids = self._client.make_request( "get", f"{self._base_url}/children_errors", List[int], ) return self._client._get_records_by_type(None, error_ids) @property def compute_history(self) -> List[ComputeHistory]: if self.compute_history_ is None: self._fetch_compute_history() return self.compute_history_ @property def task(self) -> Optional[RecordTask]: # task_ may be None because it either hasn't been fetched or it doesn't exist # fetch only if it has been set at some point if self.task_ is None and "task_" not in self.__fields_set__: self._fetch_task() return self.task_ @property def service(self) -> Optional[RecordService]: # service_ may be None because it either hasn't been fetched or it doesn't exist # fetch only if it has been set at some point if self.service_ is None and "service_" not in self.__fields_set__: self._fetch_service() return self.service_
[docs] def get_waiting_reason(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return self._client.make_request("get", f"api/v1/records/{}/waiting_reason", Dict[str, Any])
@property def comments(self) -> Optional[List[RecordComment]]: if self.comments_ is None: self._fetch_comments() return self.comments_ @property def native_files(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, NativeFile]]: if self.native_files_ is None: self._fetch_native_files() return self.native_files_ @property def stdout(self) -> Optional[str]: return self._get_output(OutputTypeEnum.stdout) @property def stderr(self) -> Optional[str]: return self._get_output(OutputTypeEnum.stderr) @property def error(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: return self._get_output(OutputTypeEnum.error) @property def provenance(self) -> Optional[Provenance]: history = self.compute_history if not history: return None return history[-1].provenance
ServiceDependency.update_forward_refs() _Record_T = TypeVar("_Record_T", bound=BaseRecord)
[docs] class RecordAddBodyBase(RestModelBase): tag: constr(to_lower=True) priority: PriorityEnum owner_group: Optional[str] find_existing: bool = True
[docs] class RecordModifyBody(RestModelBase): record_ids: List[int] status: Optional[RecordStatusEnum] = None priority: Optional[PriorityEnum] = None tag: Optional[str] = None comment: Optional[str] = None
[docs] class RecordDeleteBody(RestModelBase): record_ids: List[int] soft_delete: bool delete_children: bool
[docs] class RecordRevertBody(RestModelBase): revert_status: RecordStatusEnum record_ids: List[int]
[docs] class RecordQueryFilters(QueryModelBase): record_id: Optional[List[int]] = None record_type: Optional[List[str]] = None manager_name: Optional[List[str]] = None status: Optional[List[RecordStatusEnum]] = None dataset_id: Optional[List[int]] = None parent_id: Optional[List[int]] = None child_id: Optional[List[int]] = None created_before: Optional[datetime] = None created_after: Optional[datetime] = None modified_before: Optional[datetime] = None modified_after: Optional[datetime] = None owner_user: Optional[List[Union[int, str]]] = None owner_group: Optional[List[Union[int, str]]] = None
[docs] @validator("created_before", "created_after", "modified_before", "modified_after", pre=True) def parse_dates(cls, v): if isinstance(v, str): return date_parser(v) return v
[docs] class RecordQueryIterator(QueryIteratorBase[_Record_T]): """ Iterator for all types of record queries This iterator transparently handles batching and pagination over the results of a record query, and works with all kinds of records. """ def __init__( self, client, query_filters: RecordQueryFilters, record_type: Type[_Record_T], include: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, ): """ Construct an iterator Parameters ---------- client QCPortal client object used to contact/retrieve data from the server query_filters The actual query information to send to the server record_type What type of record we are querying for """ batch_limit = client.api_limits["get_records"] // 4 self.record_type = record_type self.include = include QueryIteratorBase.__init__(self, client, query_filters, batch_limit) def _request(self) -> List[_Record_T]: if self.record_type is None: record_ids = self._client.make_request( "post", f"api/v1/records/query", List[int], body=self._query_filters, ) else: # Get the record type string. This is kind of ugly, but works. record_type_str = self.record_type.__fields__["record_type"].default record_ids = self._client.make_request( "post", f"api/v1/records/{record_type_str}/query", List[int], body=self._query_filters, ) return self._client._get_records_by_type(self.record_type, record_ids, include=self.include)
[docs] def record_from_dict(data: Dict[str, Any], client: Any = None) -> BaseRecord: """ Create a record object from a dictionary containing the record information This determines the appropriate record class (deriving from BaseRecord) and creates an instance of that class. """ record_type = data["record_type"] cls = BaseRecord.get_subclass(record_type) return cls(**data, client=client)
[docs] def records_from_dicts( data: Sequence[Optional[Dict[str, Any]]], client: Any = None, ) -> List[Optional[BaseRecord]]: """ Create a list of record objects from a sequence of datamodels This determines the appropriate record class (deriving from BaseRecord) and creates an instance of that class. """ ret: List[Optional[BaseRecord]] = [] for rd in data: if rd is None: ret.append(None) else: ret.append(record_from_dict(rd, client)) return ret